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Cold. That's what I woke up feeling. I moved around the bed looking for Ej's warmth before I opened my eyes and found the bed empty, I was alone. Again. Groaning I got up stretching looking around the room to see if Ej was still here, he wasn't.

After changing I went down stairs for breakfast like before. Everyone was at the table so I decided to try and scare them, because I'm evil. I transform into a spider, cuz everyone is scared of spiders, or so I've been told, and crawl up the wall to the roof.

Going over Jeff's plate I drop down onto his food efficient scaring him. "Spider!' He screamed grabbing his knife trying to stab be but I scurried over to Toby and onto his hand making him flail it in the air screaming like a little girl knocking me off. Mid air I changed back ending upside down on the floor laughing. "You should have see your faces!" I moved so I was facing the right was and looked over to see Jeff looking really mad. 'Uh-oh' Standing up I quickly dart over to Ej shouting "Save me Ej!" And hide behind him.

"You can't hide behind your boyfriend forever!" He shouted "I can do whatever I want!" I answer sticking my tongue out at him.

I couldn't see but behind Ej's mask he was blushing.

Sorry for such a short chapter and taking so long to get it out I'll try to update more consistently. Thank you for your support and patience.

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