Braeking the limit

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The videos, music and images are hownd by respected companis and/or artist that are independed. There are onli used to stimulate the imagination of the reader and repreasent the characters in the story. Also danny is like the combination of this three and my drawing still sucks so i live it to your imagination.
Also sorry for bad grammer Im sick and got stung by a bee on the tip of my ring finger and it was a fucking biching pain that wouldin't let me sleep.

Also sorry for bad grammer Im sick and got stung by a bee on the tip of my ring finger and it was a fucking biching pain that wouldin't let me sleep

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Third pov

Hekapoo without thinking twice created a clone that took the baby to a safe distance away from the battle field (The clone that took Danniele will be reford as CHekapoo). As they looked at the person that was in the child's place, no, not a child but an adult that only was staring directly into their eyes, those eyes that pierced their souls with only purpose, to end their lives in the slowest and most painful way possible. Danny slowly moved towards them gaining speed only to be stopped by a torrent of fire that melted the ground, Rombules seeimg this take this in his favor by appearing behind Danny to hit him with crystel fist only to be blocked by a sword.

"Rombules move!" Hekapoo shouted firing fireballs through her portals hiting their target creating a big explosion, and as the area cleared they just stared at Danny who did not have a single scratch; only to there surprise he creates several ice projectiles that he shot towards them, not wanting to be pincushion each one ran towards him dodging his attacks.

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