Not Alone

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Author's note: Okay, sorry with the long stretch  guys! I've been really absorbed  in school and stuff, so I'll make this update good, I promise! You guys are what make wattpad awesome for me, so thank you! Make sure to vote and tell me what you think!


   I woke up, sweating, scared. I didn't know what was going on. It was the middle of the night and I only wake up when there's something wrong.  The door was open. When did it open? 

   I got up, grabbed my flashlight, and tiptoed out of the room, making sure not to wake up Caleb. I walked down the hallway, every creak in the floorboards making me jump. Slowly, I creeped into the kitchen, to see auburn curls turn the corner. I broke out in a sweat. every fiber of my being screaming for me to turn back, to get the HELL out of there. But something inside me told me to follow the owner of those shining auburn curls. I moved forward, making not a sound, as I followed what seemed to be a little girl, headed to the front porch. I made my way into the living room, and saw that the front door was open, and the little girl was standing in the moonlight, the light illuminating her shining ringlets.

"Finally," she said.  "I've been waiting for you."

I could say nothing. I only stared, amazed.

"My name is Mira."

I continued to stare. When she kept returning my gaze, I spoke.

"Is this a dream?" None of this felt real. The light radiating off the moon was too bright, and the girl--Mira-- seemed to glow.

"Where we are is the place betwixt dreaming and consciousness. A place called The Subconscious. Not quite dreaming, not quite awake. But that hardly matters at the present moment. I am here to relay a message from The Other Side," She said. Mira spoke in an orderly, let's-get-things-done sort of voice. Yet it was childish, high, yet adult-like.  She held her chin high, with confidence. She seemed a character of importance.

"That I am,"  Mira announced suddenly.

I could only gape in amazement.

"LET'S GET ON TO BUISNESS!!!" Mira screeched. "We have been wasting enough time chit-chatting!!!"

I jumped back in amazement.

"There are spirits here who want you out, in short. But now you're here, you can't just leave, thanks to you not heeding the warnings. Your mother--yeah, I know about that-- the message in the mirror... those were warnings!! Now that you've been here  for the time you have, you can't leave ! Oh sure, you can sure as hell try, but you won't be able to! Why didn't you just leave? You should have left! Oh, God help me, you are killing me!

"Anyhow, I'm also here because I am in need of your help. I'm not free. I am bound to this damn God-forsaken  house! I need your help to get free," Mira shot out. Her words seemed to flow out of her mouth in her high soprano.

"W-what do I need to do?" I croaked out. 

"An exorcism," She whispered.

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