I Found New Love ( part 3)

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Mechie- Why you got them big ass shades on

Yn- Because I like them.

Mechie- Take them off I want to see your pretty eyes

Yn- My eyes are not pretty they are just dark brown

Mechie- Well your eyes beautiful to me so let me see them

Mechie took your shades off and you shake your hair to cover your black eye. He move the hair that cover your eye behind your ear.

Mechie- WTF!!! DID HE DID THIS?!

Yn- *whisper* yes

Mechie- He is a bitch for this like why would he do this somebody need to whoop his ass.

Yn- It's over now Mechie I don't want you to get in trouble because of me okay.

Mechie- Wait when I see him in the street.

Yn- I don't want you to see me like this I really don't know why he jump on me that's the crazy part he didn't like the fact that I took and picture with you. And I just let it out like I said what I had to say to him.

Mechie- You know what don't listen to nothing what his bitch ass was saying to you yn. He still shouldn't put his hands on you no matter what.


Mechie- Please don't cry yn...

Yn- * covers her face with her hands she try to get herself together so she can control her emotions so she can talk more* the shit he was saying really hurts... Mechie that shit hurts like no woman should never hear that shit from a guy. But what really hurts that it came from a man that I love and who I was going to have an family with grow old with. I should have listen to Summer and my family but I was blind by love. I was really stupid for love he did me wrong and I still forgive him overc and over, when I love I love very hard I use to get into with my ma and them about him but now I see why.

Mechie- Yn I now we just met and I might sound crazy, but I can see straight through you. You are an beautiful woman inside and out you is the type of girl that will put others before you and people might take you for granted because how nice and sweet you are.

Yn- Stop you going to make me cry again* tears roll down*

Mechie- And at times you can be a little to nice and people run over you. You have an heart of gold and all you know is to love and that's what makes you a beautiful person.

Yn- wow... Sorry that I'm getting very emotional on you so much, it's just that I never hear a man say those types of things to me. Like ever you know I guess I can be to nice

Mechie- How about tonight you come to my crib we can hang and have fun so that we can know each other some more because I see we is already bonding.We just two people hanging just friends for the time. Because you is my future I can see it but I don't want to take our sweet time we don't have to rush at all

Yn- I feel you Mechie if we want something to last we must take our time It's time for you to get back to your job.

Mechie- yep give me a hug so I can get back going. I wish you can come in

Yn- I wish I can to once my face get back how it use to look I'm about to run around an little then

Mechie- Get out and give me an hug and thanks for the food.

Yn- Why I got to get out

Mechie- Because I can't hug you how I want to hug you

You got out

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