Chapter 1

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I woke up on Saturday morning with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My first day at Ferntree High was an event I had been both dreading and looking forward to for the whole summer.

It wasn't because I was leaving behind any friends, because I had none. Nor was it because I was nervous about being accepted or whatever nonsense people my age are supposed to feel. It was because the summer had, in fact, seemed like some long dream. Like an extensive holiday that would finish and everything would be as it was.

But it was not. Nothing is. Hell, it seems like I'm the only thing that hasn't changed. And, as I dragged myself out of bed and to the shower, the dream world seemed to wash away and reality came back into focus.

Within fifteen minutes I was walking into the kitchen, now dressed in black jeans and a tank top, my golden brown hair hanging limply over my shoulders. I was never really one to make an effort when it came to meeting new people.

It was then that my Aunt walked into the room, her expensive heels making quite a racket on the floor boards.

"Good morning, Anna." She said, using the clipped tone that I was so familiar with. "I'm leaving for work soon, would you like me to drive you to school?"

"No, I'm walking." I told her, not looking up as I poured my cereal.

"Well, I'll see you tonight."

"Yep." I replied. I wasn't giving short sentences because I didn't feel like talking. I was being short with her because I honestly hate her with every part of my existence.

This woman standing in the kitchen was my Dads sister and my legal guardian. After the accident that landed me here. In her house with the devil and her lawyer husband. I had tried to run away at least a dozen times, but I always ended up back at their front door.

After a while I gave up trying to leave and instead stayed in my room almost all the time, only coming out if it was completely unavoidable.

I always woke up hoping for an escape from this life, but it never came, and I had come to believe it never would.

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