Chapter Three

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So, here I am, waiting outside the Pub. It's 8:59 and I'm freezing my ass off, thankfully headlights appear at the end of the street and soon enough a car pulls up in front of me.

The window rolls down and William sticks his head out.

"Get in." He laughs and pushes his hair out of his eyes, "You're going to have a fantastic night babe, you just wait."

'Babe'? Really?

I walk around the other side of the car and sit in the passenger seat.

"What's up Anna?" Another voice asks from the backseat, it's Lucian.

"Nothing much really." I turn slightly to look at him, as I turn back I glance over at William, who is smirking at me, a dangerous glint in his blue eyes.

I choose to ignore it and raise my eyebrows.

"What are you waiting for?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing."

Then, he presses down his foot and we drive off. Soon enough we're on the outskirts of town and I can see flashing party lights in the distance.

Our car stops out the front of a large house, there are drunken people stumbling all over the garden, red cups in their hands, yelling strange things to each other.

Lucian leans forward and whispers in my ear, "You don't have to go with Will, he'll just get you in trouble."

"I can do what I want." I tell him.

He just sighs in reply and gets out of the car in unison with Will. I follow and together we walk towards the front door of the house.

"You ready for a great night?" Will asks me, smirking once again. Does he ever stop smirking, how about a smile for once?

Even though I'm extremely nervous I nod and shoot him my best smile. "That's what I'm here for."

He laughs and moves closer to me, his arm snakes around my waist and I immediately go rigid.

I feel him laugh again as I try to compose myself.

'You can't let him get the best of you, he's just trying to make you uncomfortable.' I tell myself as I let him lead me through me house.

In the kitchen there's alcohol everywhere people are pressed up against walls eating each other's faces off. While Will is getting us drinks I notice that Lucian has disappeared.

'He's probably making out with some girl.' I think, and turn to face William, who was making his way through the crowd, two drinks in his hand.

"Here." He holds out a cup, "Vodka."

I take it but don't drink it, instead I gulp and look at him suspiciously. What if he's spiked it or something?

"Jesus Anna, I wouldn't put anything in your drink." He grins, "I don't have to. The girls come running to me anyway."

I roll my eyes and take a sip.

Will smiles as a song starts playing through the speakers, everyone around us starts to dance. By 'dance' I mean the club version of dancing, you know? A whole lot of grinding and making out.

"Wanna dance?" He asks. I shake my head in reply.

"Awh come on, it'll be fun..." He winks at me and takes a step forward.

'Come on Anna' I think, 'don't step backwards, he's just trying to get a reaction out of you.'

"Not a chance." I tell him.

He fake pouts at me and takes another step closer, now he's looking down at me, his face about an inch away from mine.

"Why not?" He whispers, his blue eyes searching mine.

"Because..." I look down, breaking our eye contact. "Um..."

He chuckles and steps away from me. I realise that I was holding my breath as I slowly breathe out.

"Okay." Will laughs, "I'll try a different approach."

I raise my eyebrows as he kneels down on one knee and grabs my hand before looking up at me, a devilish smile playing across his face.

"Anna." He says, a mock serious expression on his face, "Will you dance with me?"

I laugh as people start to look at us, wondering what the hell Will is doing.

"Okay, okay." I blush.

"Awesome." He smiles and stands up, dragging me over to the bunch of drunk people dancing.

We come to a stop and Will turns toward me.

I have no idea what to do, I can't dance at all.

"Um..." I mumble, my face turning red.

He walks behind me and places his hands on my waist, my eyes widen as I feel his breath on my neck and then his lips next to my ear.

"You nervous?" He whispers, sending a shiver down my spine.

I am, but there's no way I'm going to admit it.

"No." I breathe and turn my head so that my face is only a centimetre away from his. My heart is beating so fast I'm surprised he can't hear it, I lower my eyes, unable to stare into his anymore.

I expect him to laugh and back off, but he doesn't. But instead he leans even closer.

For some reason I want him to kiss me, I shouldn't. He wouldn't want to kiss me anyway, I'm not the kind of girl that guys like Will kiss. At least, that's what I think.

Until his lips connect with mine.

Another LoverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon