~ Mind The Black Dagger ~

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\Third Person's P.O.V.|

Prompto slept there with Noctis in his arms, where they both slept peacefully. With peaceful chirps off in the distant, the two slept in silence. A summer breeze brushing against the tent flaps cascades calling out to their mates, everything peaceful. Bright colours littered the scenery, reds, blues, greens, yellows nothing but radiant bubbly colours.

Those colours were soon devoured, slowly being replaced by dark gloomy colours. Blacks and Greys filled the scenery eating away at the once peaceful sky. The rain being called upon to mask the area, that surrounded the 'Traveller's circles'. But deep within the tent hidden away from all harm rested the heir to the throne of Lucis. Sleeping quietly in the arms of his dear friend....


His voice pierced through the thick rain, his body now covered in thick black smoke. The smoke began to gather at the male's right leg. More smoke seemed to pour to the leg of the male, slowly forming a shape of a Daemon. The Daemon had taken the form of a Tonberry, though this 'Tonberry' was different. His eyes glowed the same golden glow, the only difference was that there was no murky green skin, only thick black smoke. His entire form was black, his cloak, knife, and even his lamp. The 'Tonberry' still continued to grow, feeding of the black smoke that surrounded Noctis, slowly eating away at his life.


Once again Noctis wailed out in pain, his breathing became irregular panting after ever every breath. The 'Tonberry' stopped eating away at Noctis as it noticed that Prompto was looking at it dead on, their eyes meet. Before the 'Tonberry' had time to react, Prompto had already whipped out his camera and had stolen a shot of it. The blinding flash of the camera seized the 'Tonberry' in place, the flash ate away at the smoke that made up the Daemon. The Daemon screamed in a silent pain. Although no sound was heard, it changed the expression on Prompto's face from frightened to aghast...


|Prompto's P.O.V.|

A Tonberry?! How did it get in here? W-wait how did it even get past the Traveler's circles?! Ahh! Wait. Why is it black? I-I should take a photo of it to show to Noc-NOCT!

"Noct, Noct, NOCT! Noct wake up! Come on, please!! NOCTIS!!!"

The tension in the air altered, silent was thick and hard to break. I tried to move but my actions were only wasted. Noctis continued to scream in agony, as more of the smoke drained his body dry. Reaching for my dual pistols trying to ease the pain of Noctis by shooting the hell out of that 'Tonberry'

But alas I met nothing except an empty holster. The air began to thicken making all movement improbable. It was like I was in a bowl of jelly, just blinking took the energy out of me. Noctis was still screaming as more and more of that smoke ripped out of his body only to absorbed by the 'Tonberry' the more the 'Tonberry' ate the larger it grew. Noctis'sscreams reached the ear of those in a mile radius. Coeurls and Behemoths ran for the hills, the screams of Noctis striking fear into their soul.


The 'Tonberry' remained unfazed by my sudden outburst. His eyes glowed that same golden colour, it stared deep into my eyes. The fiery glow burned my eyes reminding me of how the flash of the camera weakened it.

"I've got you now you son of a b-"


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