Episode 2

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Eid preparations was everywhere. I was too busy I didn't get to collect my clothes from the tailor. As I sat down in the sitting room thinking of what to do I saw Sayyid about to go out then I called him "Sayyid! where are you headed" I asked standing up almost at the same time to catchup with him. "I'm just going to get something from a friend in Wuse" he said looking at me with a frown knowing what I was about to say. "oh thank goodness. Dan Allah wait for me. You'll drop me a wajen Dauda." Before I could say anything he quickly said "you're not even dressed. You're going to waste my time so just tell Ali to take you there." Without even waiting for me he turned to leave and I grabbed his arms "haba mana kawai Abaya zan saka." I said and quickly went upstairs and grabbed my black abaya and veil then rushed back downstairs just then I bumped into Ammi "Where are you rushing to?" She asked and I quickly responded "zan je shagon Dauda karbo dinki" before she could say a word I was out and I'm not even sure she completely heard me.

Sayyid dropped me "I'll be back in 20 and wlh if you're not done I'm leaving." Sayyid said with a warning tone. "Naji. Call me idan ka dawo" and I left hurrying up the stairs. I quickly went up to Dauda's shop and Alhamdulillah he was around. Unfortunately for me he had not finished all my clothes. "Haba Dauda tun yaushe na baka kaya na kuma har yanzu you're not done" I said in a calm but angry tone. "Hajiya kiyi hakuri work has been much for us" i said apologetically. I waited for him to finish the third one and I collected them to go.

It was then I remembered to check my phone and behold 8 missed calls. It was Sayyid. I quickly called him back "Dan Allah kayi hakuri. I didn't know my phone was on silent..... where are you??..... haba mana you couldn't even come up to the shop to call me??..... shikenan." I angrily packed my clothes without even saying goodbye I left.

I stood outside the complex for about 15mins waiting for a cab and someone called out "Munifa!" I turned angrily to see who was calling me and it was Ya Ahmad, my best friend's brother. "Alhamdulillah" I said silently. "Ya Ahmad Ina wuni" I greeted him. "Lafiya are you heading home?" He asked looking at me knowing I looked tired "Yes" I answered with a sad face. "Come on in. We were just heading your way. Maitama right?" He asked to be sure. "Yes. Thank you" I heaved a sigh of relief and I quickly entered. The drive home was quite silent.

Finally Ya Ahmad broke the silence. "Sorry I didn't introduce my friend. Munifa this is Salim my friend. Salim this is Munifa, Yusra's best friend." Before I could say anything he turned to look at me then said "nice name" and I replied "thank you" and then there was silence again. Finally we were home. I came out to say thank you and I noticed Salim staring at me like he was looking for something in my face. Anyway, I said my thank you and left.

I was ready to kill Sayyid. How could he have left me. I headed straight to his room but it was locked then Ammi called me. "Why did you take so long?" Ammi asked obviously angry. "Sayyid ya tafi ya barni" I said quickly to avoid her scolding "ok go and pray then come downstairs there's a lot of work to do." She said heading back to the kitchen. That was so unlike Ammi. I thought I was getting the scolding of my life.

Eid came and went. Then finally it was time to go back to school. I called yusra to know when she was leaving. "I don't know yet I'm waiting for Baba" she said at the other end of the phone so I just told her to let me know when she's leaving so we could go together. Just as I was about to drop the call Adda fiyya said "Munifa if you're done get me a glass of that pineapple juice from the fridge. I'm thirsty." I just rolled my eyes and stood up to get it for her. I went to the kitchen and got the juice from the fridge then poured it out in a glass then headed back to the sitting room then handed it over to her "And yauwa I want those sweet pancakes of yours." She said sipping her juice and watching her KUWTK. Aaarrrgggghhhh. When did she start loving my pancakes? She hated them. She always said she made better pancakes than I do. Why the sudden change? This is getting too much. For the sake of my niece/nephew I'll do it. I can't wait to go back to school even though there's so much stress.

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