Slice Of Life

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Sans gave a mischievous smirk as he swiftly took a cigarette from the little gold box. So what if there was only one left? What were they gonna do? Tell him to stop?
"Oh no." Sans mumbled sarcastically. His father hated that he had taken up this habit. He had found Sans outside at 4:00 in the morning, cigarette lit and in his hand. All he did was tell him to put it out, and to stop it. He looked more disappointed than angry, but that didn't matter to him. Nothing did, really. His mother had started at 12. He was 14, so he guessed that meant he made it a little further than he could've. Though, he was also drinking and smoking..other things. His father was in shock when he tested positive for THC, but all Sans could do was give him a sheepish smile, and shrug. He remembered the conversation like it was yesterday.
"You...smoked marijuana..?"
"no dad, i smoked a pickle."

His sarcasm was duly noted.

He sat on the ground, thinking back to the good old days. Every since his dad found out about that, he'd been testing him every time he went somewhere. The THC stays in your system for up to a month, so he couldn't take chances anymore. And worse yet, the test he used also checked for alcohol. So now he'd lost both of his escape routes. That's actually when things started getting really bad. He started chipping away at his arms, keeping more to himself, and thinking about darker paths. He knew that he wasn't going to be able to get away from his problems now, and that shook the bone. (Ha ha..)

He couldn't count the amount of times his buddies had told him he looked depressed. It was pretty shitty, in all honesty. He usually held up pretty well, but he supposed that his façade was slipping away. His escapes usually helped with that, but that wasn't an option anymore.

So he smoked. And smoked. And smoked some more. Can't test positive for tobacco. And the nicotine buzz was always relaxing to him. Though, it lasted only for a moment before the smoke made his stomach churn.

Sans stood, moving his small desk over for better access to his window. Opening it slowly, the crisp November air washed into his room. He smiled, the fresh air relieving some of his anxieties. Sans pulled a small lighted out of his pocket, slipping the cigarette into his other hand. Putting it to his mouth, he lit it, inhaling deeply. He watched the smoke flow gracefully into the night sky, making him grin. He really needed this.

After a few drags, the buzz hit. It hit him a little harder than usual, making his knees weak. Sans let out a breathy laugh, tilting his head back. He wished this paradise would last, but he knew he only had a minute or so before it faded.

The buzz ebbed away, as he put the cigarette out. He still had half left. Did that mean he was a "light weight"? Could a person even be a light weight when it came to smoking these? He didn't know, and didn't care much.
He wanted a drink. He wanted to get wasted off his non existent ass. Was it possible? Well, yeah. Though, it would be a lot of work to get in and out of his room quietly. He would have to make a number of trips.

Go out to get the booze and the shot glass.
Go back to his room, and drink.
Stumble his drunken self back out there, and put it all away.
Go back to his room.

That, all in itself, seemed like a lot of effort. Now, he was going to check the time. He hadn't looked yet. But if it wasn't past 11:00, he'd do it.
It was 10:55..
Welp. That settles that then.

He stood, walking out of his room and to the freezer. To his dissatisfaction, all of the liquor and whiskey was gone. Well, it was there, but almost empty. He didn't like taking big risks like that. He saw his dads little thing of 99 Bananas. And lord almighty did he want to take it. But he didn't..
For gods sake, it was 99 proof. How could he not want it? But he knew that if he did, he would get busted, HARD CORE. Was he wise? No. Was he stupid? Hell no.
He waddled back to his room, taking a bag of chips with him. He was hangry now.

Soon after eating some chips, and putting on music, Sans passed out, slipping into a dreamless sleep..

A sneak peak into Sans's rebellious teen years! I didn't know where I was going with this, but I made the best of it, I hope it wasn't too Garbo. I love writing about my rebellious skele bean. 👌

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