Sansby- Drink Up.

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His father continued on with his diatribe, volume increasing steadily as his anger built. Sans held his ground, glaring harshly at the figure before him. They were arguing over LGBT rights, something Sans supported with a burning passion. Not only had he dated a male before, but he also had a crush on a certain fire elemental down the road.
"Marriage, by definition, is between a MAN, and a WOMAN! We're not gonna up and change the definition because some dikes want to marry their own gender!!" Gaster screamed, taking a step towards his son. Sans sucked in a sharp breath, pushing out the words he'd wanted to say for a very, very long time.
"Fuck you!"
Gaster stared at him for a moment, before a pernicious glare settled upon his features.
"You don't talk to me like-"
"No! All you do is sit here and bash the LGBT community, when you know very well that I support it! I'm sick of this fight! Let people love who they want! Let me love who I want! It doesn't matter, and it's none of your business!"
A beat of silence followed his outburst, before his father took quick paces forward.
"You faggot mother fucker!"
As soon as the words left his mouth, he took a swing at Sans, his fist skimming his cheekbone. It didn't make full contact, but it hit him just hard enough to make him stumble backwards. Sans stared up at his father, tears brimming in his eyes.
"Leave! You are a disgrace to our family! A fucking disgrace, you hear me!?" Sans turned on his heel, his feet quickly pulling him away from the insults being spat at him. Gasters venomous words echoed through his skull as his façade fell completely. Tears cascaded down his face, hiccups escaping his trembling form as he walked quickly down the road.
That didn't just happen..did it..?
It did.

Sans walked up to Grillby's door, hesitating for a moment. The flame monster didn't need to see him like this. Wiping his eyes, and taking a few deep breaths, he knocked. A moment or two passed, before the white door opened, revealing a tired looking hot head.
"I'm sorry Sans, I can't hang out today. I have to go to my mothers."
Sans stared at Grillby for a few moments too long. He attempted to push "its okay" out of his trembling teeth, but he choked on his own words. Concern etched its way into his friends features.
"Hey..are you alright?"
He continued to stare, before shaking his head quickly.
"N-no..?" The tone he used sounded unnatural, even to him. His voice was a few octaves higher than usual, and his once laidback demeanor had shifted into one that seemed like it was on the verge of breaking completely.
And it did.
Sans curled in on himself slightly, tears replacing the ones he had wiped away only minutes ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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