Narcotics. { nolan eades ruined me. }

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  • Dedicated to Nick.


2014 ; February 27th.

Nolan met Colleen ( or Colleen met Nolan, however you prefer it ) on one of those weird winter days where the suns shines on the snow just so flawlessly that it takes your breath away and inspires you to paint it, or sing about it, or whatever meets your fancy. Come to think of it, Colleen was kind of like one of those days. A girl you had to document if you wanted to remember that she was really interested in you. Someone you might hallucinate about.

Nolan was, suffice to say, extraordinary. He was creative, rebellious, smart, and sort of neutral.. as in he didn't like one thing or hate one thing in general -- he tried anything and everything. He was just the kind of guy Colleen needed after the notorious Jason. The way they met, however, was less than likely. They met on an app that was taking the world by it's horns in early 2014. This app, called Hot or Not, matched up men and women and boys and girls based on distance and mutual interests. They sparked instantly, horrifyingly enough.

Hot or Not: you've made a new connection! Say hello!

Nolan: Holy shit, you like the Mowgli's?! Haha

Colleen: Indeed I do. There's a guy on here with a good taste in music?!

Nolan: Haha I mean, I'd like to think so? I can name a few artists and let you be the judge?

Colleen : Sounds like a plan. Bring it on!

An apocalyptic love story started with a band. They spoke for hours afterwards, exploring each other's beliefs and intellect. First Nolan, then Colleen, began to think that maybe they would be really, really good for each other. 

2014; March 3rd.

Nolan seemed to be quite happy with Colleen and the general thought of her. He told her details that he would've never told his bandmates, from his dissatisfaction at home to his unlucky love life and various disorders. Colleen told him things too, under the belief he would never judge anyone... and maybe that would have included her.

Nolan: Hey, so, my Hot or Not keeps freezing and I love talking to you. Do you want to text instead?

Colleen: That sounds great. (: 555-555-5555.

Nolan: Alright! :)

That could have quite possibly been the first mistake. The beginning of the end. The end of the happiness that was Nolan and Colleen. Their thoughts on each other so far were high. Nolan thought of Colleen as a beautiful and young spirit, with an okay taste in music (which wasn't a problem since he could easily introduce her to new music), and she loved to read and watch movies which was good for a rainy day. Or really, everyday. Nolan often fantasized about meeting her someday, she coming back to his apartment and them sharing a futon with a massive bowl of popcorn and a marathon of Dexter.

Colleen thought Nolan was fabulous. He had said, at one point, that he even wanted to photograph her. She took this in a positive way, but of course she knew that it was possible for him to want to use her face as a cover for a monstrous add about the birth defects of a love child or a druggy's baby. There was still a slimmer of hope at the very center of her being that Nolan really thought she was cute, though.

2014; March 10th. 

Colleen: Do you have any good book recommendations? I'm afraid I've run out.

Nolan: The Stranger by Albert Camus. It's my all time favorite.

Colleen: Ooooh, can you give me a quick synopsis?

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