Chapter 21

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Matt looked at her and tilted his head to the side softly. "And what might that be ka-..." He sas cut off by a pillow to the face as she wacked him with a gentle yet mighty force. He was staring at his screen for afew seconds then he got up, grabbed a pillow, and hit her back. The two engaged in a full out pillow fight. Katie was laughing along with Matt as they beat eachother with their pillows.
Katie and Matt both lay on his bed, still laughing from their old tradition. "That was fun. Thanks Katie." He said and hugged her tightly, she hugged back and nuzzled him softly. He nuzzled back and soon he fell asleep. Katie nodded to the closet and she watched Lotor carefully leave the room. She followed him to the door and smiled up at him. "Thanks. I had a lot of fun." He smiled back and they shared a quick kiss before he left. Katie walked back to her brother and laid down next to him and sighed. The thoughts in her head expanded until she fell asleep into a warn darkness.


Keith saw hundreds, may be even thousands of dead bodies. The worst part is, they were all Galra. He recognized some of the faces from The Blade Of Marmroa. His eyes widened and he fell to his knees, gripping his now turning stomach. He felt his guts and everything trying to come back up but he kept them down. He heard Shiro call for him and he pulled hia helmet off only to whiteness the smell. This made him lose his lunch. It smelled like blood, death, iron, burning flesh, and burning plastic. He hurried over to a waste shoot and he threw up. He whipped his mouth and he was panting heavily. He felt the presence of someone behind him and he thought it was Shiro. "I'm sorry Shiro, I jusr needed a few min-..." He was cut off by his own actions as he turned around, Galra guards holding their weapons to him. He didn't have enough time to grab his sword as they knocked him out. He fell to the ground and the last thing he saw was the guards grabbing his arm, before he slipped into a temporarily deep sleep.


Lotor was walking back to his room as Ezor stopped him. "Woah there princy. Where are you headed?" She bent down a bit and looked up at him. "Relax Ezor. I'm just heading back to my room. Now if you'll excuse me I have some work to do." He said as he walked right past her. She stood up straight and huffed softly. "Why is he such a pain in my ponytail?" She asked before walking to her own room, which she shared with Acxa.
Once there she flopped on the bed and groaned. "Is something wrong Ezor?" Acxa asked, not looking up from her book. "Its Lotor, hez being secretive again. Its so annoying when we need him for a mission and he is always disappearing somewhere else." She said and sat up very quickly and she cuddled next to Acxa. "Anyways, what are you reading?" She asked and the other looked at her. "War And Peace." She said and went back to reading. "Sweet, mind reading some of it to me?" She looked at the pages and Acxa smiled softly and began reading. Pretty soon, Ezor had fallen asleep.


Lotor closed his bedroom door and sat on his bed looking in the full length mirror on his wall. He pulled his shirt off and looked at the scars along his chest and back. He saw some newer ones and he chuckled a bit. "She can grab hold." He said and he pit some cream on then so they could heal a bit better. He sighed and picked up his journal and wrote about what had happened today.
Once it was time to eat he stood up and bent all the way down to crack his back. He tilted his head and cracked his neck, then he left to the dinning hall.
One of the maids brought him his food and then once he was done, his medicine. He decided to just take the pill dry and he got up after taking it. He left the dining hall and went back to his room, passing by his father's quarters. He heard shouting and he hurried back to his own quarters. He closed the door once there and looked down at his hands and sighed. "I hope this works."

Oh. My. God. I am so sorry for not updating in a while guys. I've been very busy but enjoy today's two updates. And I hope you get karma for this. (You know who you are)

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