Chili Cheese Frito Sandwich

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                                            Chili Cheese Frito Sandwich


            1 Bag of Fritos "Any flavor you want."

            2 Pieces of white bread.

            1 Bag of mixed shredded Cheese

            1 Can of chili

            1 Bowl

             Can opener


             Paper Towel

             Toaster oven can be substituted with a Toaster


Step 1 Open your can of chili using your can opener.

Step 2 Once the can has been opened pour the chili into your bowl.

Step 3 Place the bowl full of chili into the microwave for two minutes with your paper towel placed on top to prevent splattering of chili inside your microwave.

Step 4 As the chili is being cooked inside the bowl go to your loaf of bread and take two piece out.

Step 5 With the two piece of bread you have place them inside your Toaster oven for a maximum of 2 minutes as to prevent the bread from getting crispy.

Step 6 While the bread continues to cook the time on your microwave should soon beep signaling you to take the chili out.

Step 7 Take the chili out of the microwave with caution as contents of bowl will be hot.

Step 8 Get your package of shredded cheese and sprinkle it on the chili stirring it if needed to get spots uncheesed.

Step 9 As the timer to the toaster oven end go over and remove the bread from it the bread should still be white but have a slight crispy feeling.

Step 10 Place the two piece of bread on a plate and with a spoon begin to scoop the chili cheese mix onto the bread. (As much as needed)

Step 11 With one side of the bread now covered with chili and cheese get your Frito bag and begin to place Fritos onto the other side of the bread. (As much as needed)

Step 12 Place both piece of bread together making a sandwich.

Step 13 With sandwich now finish begin to eat your delicious Chili Cheese Frito Sandwich.

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