Bacon Cheddar Jalapeno Fries

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                                       Bacon Cheddar Jalapeno Fries


      1 Bag of French fries cut in any type you want straight, crinkle or curly

      3 Fresh Jalapeno peppers

      5 pieces of American cheese or any cheese of you choice

      1 Bowl


      Paper Towel

      Toaster oven

      Bacon Bits

      1 knife


Step 1 Take your tray from out of your Toaster oven placing it on the counter.

Step 2 Open your bag of French

Step 3 Begin placing French Fries onto Tray (As much as you need)

Step 4 With the tray you have with French fries place it back into your toaster oven.

Step 5 Turn the timer on your Toaster oven to 12 minutes at a temperature of 400* Degrees

Step 6 Once the Timer on the oven goes off get your French fries and place them spread out on a plate

Step 7 Get your pieces of Sliced cheese and place it over your fries.

Step 8 Place your plate of fries and cheese into your microwave and cook it for 2 minutes.

Step 9 While the microwave is cooking get your three Jalapenos and place them onto a clean paper towel.

Step 10 Get your knife and begin to slice your jalapenos into circular pieces.

Step 11 Once finished cutting your jalapenos the timer on your microwave should go off telling you its time to take them out.

Step 12 With your plate of cheese and fries begin to place your jalapenos on to it.

Step 13 Once finished with placing Jalapenos get your bacon bits and sprinkle them on your plate.

Step 14 Get your fork or hand and begin to eat your Bacon Cheddar Jalapeno Fries.

                                               (Caution food may be hot)

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