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Ariel: You do realize it's almost one in the morning right now?

Angel: Oh, but I promised -wonderer I'd answer her question, and that was FOREVER ago.

Ariel: And people think you're a full Slytherin.

Angel: That's our secret, shhhh.

Ariel: Anyways, I have to get back to Eric soon, so what's the question?

Angel: Hmm, I think it  was "do you ever wish you were still a mermaid?"

Ariel: Well, I mean, technically, the last time I was a mermaid was when Melody was in trouble. And that was because Daddy changed me back, so I suppose I shouldn't miss it, but I do. Sometimes, I dream I'm still in the sea with my sisters and Sebastian and Flounder.  But then I wake up and see Eric and remember Melody and then I'm not so nostalgic anymore. I'm sorry, the mood is getting heavy.

Angel: Don't be. It's probably just my eyelids anyway.

Ariel: You should be in bed!

Angel: I mean, I am, I'm just not sleeping.

Ariel: Go sleep. They can live without Disney for a few more hours, or days.

Angel: But I owe them!

Ariel: Update this and then go straight to sleep, okay?

Angel: Yes ma'am!

Ariel: Also, congratulations to montescos for winning the Halloween contest! I'm so proud of you!

Angel: Me too!

Ariel: Okay, now seriously go sleep.

Angel: Fine. By the way, -wonderer, I hope that answers your question! Bye!

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