Chap. 2

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Jenny's point of view:

Hot tears streamed down my face as I sped down the highway, my foot pushing hard against the gas pedal.My heart aching as I thought of what had just happened at Keith's house. He was supposed to be my friend, but these days no one seemed to be "friends" . Lily screaming, Keith angry and Graham furious,a sight I'd never thought I'd see. Lily already hated my father Graham, but now she hated Keith too... I don't know if I would be able to forgive any of them right now. My blood ran hot and cold at the same time, angry, hatred, loneliness and abandoned. I'm was drowning in self pity and regret and I couldn't escape the feelings whipping in and out of my heart, twisting it into a hard and painful knot... Does God really exist? Would he let me get punished even more now that I thought I was finally free from my past? Why would he allow this to happen? Passing by a river I stopped the car and leaned over the railing, my tears falling like raindrops into the still water, rippling it and damaging it's beauty. The sky was clear and glistening with stars, if only my soul felt clear and beautiful, but it didn't, it felt dirty and sore...

Tea at Jenny'sTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon