Chap. 4

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Walking down the streets of New York City, Jenny studied the familiar restaurants and cafe's,hoping that one just might have a "help wanted" sign on one of the newly washed city windows. She'd met Lily in New York City. Lily had been so full of excitement and lived her life on the edge, when Jenny on the other hand was a naive,easily impressed girl who In her teenage years wanted what Lily had to offer. But what a pair they made! Jenny stopped at the library were they had met for the first time.This city was her favorite, out of all the places she'd stayed in with her mother, this was her utmost favorite.

*Flashback *

It was going to be mother's birthday tomorrow. Though she had nothing to give her, with no money, well there wasn't much you could give. Jenny stopped at the library that she'd been eyeing for a couple days now,her heart beating at 100km/hr. Taking a deep breath Jenny worked up the courage to go inside. Scanning the tall dark wooden shelves for the book her mother kept on glancing at every time they passed this store. She knew her mother wanted it, she carried that "look" on her face, the look were she bites her lip, turns her head at a 20 degree angle and furrows her dark elegant eyebrows. Jenny spotted it's light blue hard cover and gently took it off one of the smooth shelves. Staring at the book she rubbed it's rich leather cover, feeling all of its ridges. Tiny beads of sweat started to form on her forehead and she grew more and more anxious,but she continued to analyze the book nervously. "If you're planning on steeling that book, you'd better do it quickly before anyone notices you looking so guilty. " A young girl stated, leaning on one of the book shelves. The girl had a mix of purple and violet coloured hair and a small diamond bud nose ring placed above her left nostril."So? You planning on doing or not? " she stated. After no response from my side she sighed and took my hand, pulling me towards the counter. "Excuse me, is this book on sale?"she asked the lady at the counter. Jenny started to tremble, thinking that either this girl would sell her out or the librarian would Know what she planned to do. The lady glanced over Jenny and she could feel her body stiffen. "Let me see" the librarian replied, Reaching for the book to examine it,she carried No suspicion In her voice."No, I'm sorry. " She replied sadly. "Oh that's alright, I'll try again next week! " Answered the purple haired girl enthusiastically,pulling Jenny away from the counter. A flood of relief washed over Jenny and she started to relax. When they reached the book shelf the girl whispered in her ear. "Now,she wouldn't think we were up to something. Now pretend to put it back and slowly slide it into your back pack. Nice back pack by the way!" she ripped off the back page quietly. "It's were they place the chip. Don't want to set off the alarm on our way out would we? " She answered Jenny's alarmed expression. Leaning back the strange girl watched a customer,Whilst she tried to act casual. Slowly Jenny slid the book into her back pack and before she knew it they were making their way towards the door. Jenny's lungs become like rock,making her breathing stop and leaving her head feeling dizzy. "Thank you for your help! " Shouted the strange girl towards the librarian. In return the lady smiled back and waved. All Jenny could manage was a shaky smile. Afraid her legs would collapse she quickly made it out side. The girl dragged Jenny into an ally and answered all her questions with a sentence. "I'm Lily Violet and I think we're going to be good friends! " Lily stated casually. Her surname made sense. "Well? What about you? " Lily asked impatiently. "Uh...I'm...Jenny...Briggs..." Jenny let out a breath. Lily nodded waiting for more. "...and that...was amazing! " Jenny Shouted and started laughing against the wall. Lily smiled and began laughing as well. Jenny too had a strong feeling That they would become good friends just as Lily had said. Mom Is sure Going to be pleased!
Jenny thought to herself, not knowing that her mom would know the truth after taking one look at the book's leather cover.


A couple of blocks down Jenny stopped Her thoughts, noticing a cafe with a for sale sign on it. Maybe this would be her way out...her way out Of an old life... Into a new one.

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