Chapter 2

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January 6, 90378

It's all chaos.

I feel detached from myself.

People are running and screaming around me.

Micheal starts to yell.

At me.

I think.


T.J. yells for Deidre.

Nothing but chaos.

Micheal tugs my hand.

No order.


My breaths become quick, rushed and shallow.

No order.

A blackness creeps into the corners of my vision.


My heart thumps in my chest.

We're all going to die.

"Hey. Hey, Rice. Rice! I need you to look at me. Okay, I, I need for you to, to hear me."

Deidre's voice sounds far away, quiet. But I follow what she says. After a while, I look at her. I listen as she starts to speak again, when she has my attention.

"Rice, okay, o-okay, Rice? We have to keep moving, okay? Got it?" Deidre finishes. Match clutched to her side, asleep. I nod my head to show my understanding.

Match and T.J. and Micheal cannot march forever, so we must march while we can.

On and on and on and on and on...

So we march.


Hi! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you like this chapter! 😚 So sorry it's short, but I wanted to give a chapter from Rice's perspective (Hey, it's 90378, don't judge my names. ) 💗💗💗

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