Chapter 5

12 2 6


February 8, 90378

My body floats past other shopping customers as I make my way towards the counter.

"Two loaves of bread, por favor." I whisper in the clerks direction.

She eyes my raggedy clothes and small demeanor, my height and presumable age, and her eyes go soft.

The clerk reaches underneath the counter to retrieve the two biggest, most unspoiled loafs of bread I've seen for days.

I hand her the rest of our money after she wraps the pieces in a soft cheese cloth. The bread just has that wonderful smell that barely contains me from shouting for joy.

"Gracias!" I nearly shout at her on my way out, so excited to share the good news with Lace and Grandmama

I hide the bread in my basket, masking the smell with some dying basil I collect from a plant standing outside the shop. The smell is not completely masked, but the scent is partially covered.

As I hustle through the streets to get back to the alcove we've nested in, I draw the basket closer to my body, not wanting attention.

"Watcha got?" a woman hollers at me from across the street. She must have seen the delicate way I handle the basket. I ignore her and push forward. The woman starts retracing my steps, coming closer to me.

"Hey! You! I'm talkin' to you, girlie!" she is shouting, and nearly on my heels.

I flat out run, knowing I should be able to lose her in the crowded streets. I race towards our alcove, doubling back several times to lose her. I see her pass me and wait, I wait what feels like forever, but must only be minutes.

When I know she must be gone, I start toward the alcove. I make it as the sun is setting.

"You," cough "are," cough, cough "late." Grandmama whispers at me.

"I'm sorry. A lady followed me and I had to lose her. But I have the bread!" I decide to end optimistically. "The lady at the counter gave me the best and biggest loaves!" I twirl around. I feel giddy with joy. Finally, something good has come from this horror show.

"Good. Good." she whispers.

Lace whimpers in her sleep. She has a fever and an infection from a cut she got the day of the bombs. We didn't find it until later, when the infection started. After that horrible day.

The day of the bombs.


"Ha ha ha." I say, sarcastically, without humor. "Where is your mask?!?!" I whisper angrily. 

"Relax. It's right back here!" Bar gestures at a hook on the wall. 

"Put it on! Or you could die!" Bar starts to reply, but he is cut off by the cellar doors banging open.

"Rosie!" Lace runs into my arms, as Grandmama and Daddy appear behind.

"Where is Camila?" Daddy asks, looking around at the cellar, his somewhat hopeful expression fading.

"Rosalinda! Where is your madre?" Grandmama asks, coming up to stand by me.

"I thought she was with you!" I exclaim, and all of their faces turn white as a sheet. 

For a second, all I can hear is the pounding of blood in my ears.

Boom. Buhm-Boom.

Lace cries harder. 

"Laurinda! Please, stop crying! You must be strong!" My abuela hugs Lace, "Your mother would not want you to cry! Oh, oh, Laurinda!" They rock back and forth, hugging and crying together.

I turn to ask Daddy what I can do, but I cannot see him.

HAI! Happy December! I can't SAY NO TO reading and writing! My emotions are HELPLESS when I started reading that story by @stayonbrand . I wishe we could CHANGE THAT? YOU KNOW WHY? WHY? because I LOVE that book. I read it in 2 days.

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