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I'm home!!! It might mean shorter chapters, though... I'll try to make them longer but it's weird... when i write on microsoft word, the chaps are usually short while if i write on the notepad like i did in TX, they're longer... anyway, i'll stop talking nonsense... the point is, i'll try to keep the chaps long. Enjoy!


Pink, full lips. Dark brown hair, almost black. Grayish blue eyes that make you think you're the only one alive when they look deep into your soul. Muscular body that everyone would kill for. That would be Asher Brookes. He comes with the whole package.

I've known Asher for a pretty long time. He was 5 and I was 4 when we first met. He was sweet and caring. Whenever you catch the gaze of his intense eyes, you feel like you're really important. I've grown up knowing Asher was going to be a big part of my life in a way, bad or good.

12 years later, I find out the way he impacts my life. He's 17 and I'm 16. He's a senior and I'm a junior. I'm dating his younger brother Blake and he's sleeping with all my friends and more. You see, once Asher hit the age of 14 and became what people call 'hot' and 'popular', he changed. He became more arrogant and conceited. You just knew by looking at him that he always got the girl he wanted. I don't know but I'm pretty sure he slept with more than half of the girls at our school throughout his entire life.

I never cared for him, much less talk to him. The only time I saw him was when I was over at his house with my boyfriend, his brother Blake, and at school in the hallway while he was making out with some slut or one of my friends, who are stupid enough to believe that one of these days, he'd give up every girl just for them. I know better, that's why I'm not one of his clueless preys.

Back on the way he will impact me. I never saw it coming and I never would've ever thought it would happen. A part of me wished it never happened because, truthfully, I hurt some people and made enemies while also losing some of my friends. The other part of me was glad it happened. In a way, I'm a much happier, confident person because of the incident. Or blessing, whichever way you see it.

Asher didn't just impact me, though. I'm pretty sure I changed him too. And you know what it took for me to figure out how he was going to impact me? I'll tell you.

30 days of Asher.

*So, what do you think?

Should I continue?


30 Days of AsherWhere stories live. Discover now