*Day 1*

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Alright, here's the next part... Sorry if it's too short, i'll make the next one longer... Enjoy!

*Day 1*

"Hey babe," Blake whispered seductively in my ear while we were at his house on the couch cuddled next to each other. We were watching a movie, but that ended within the first 10 minutes after we were in an intense make out session.

Blake and I have been dating for the past 3 months. We've known each other for awhile though; he's been my neighbor since we were both 4-years-old and had dirt crusted fingers. We've been friends, but not really close. We talk and all and I'm pretty sure there were no feelings beyond friendship until this year.

"Yeah?" I murmured. My face was pressed into his chest, taking in his smell. It was that just-got-out-of-the-shower smell. He nibbled gently at my ear and I giggled.

"I love your laugh, Em," he said. I smiled. He always said that. Truthfully, I hated my laugh. It was nothing special, but Blake thought otherwise.

"I love when you say that," I said. He nuzzled my neck, showering sweet kisses trailing from my neck to my jaw line, making me feel full with longing. I moaned slightly and could feel him smile against my flushed skin.

"Aw, look at the love birds." We sprang apart and I smoothed my crinkled top. I looked up and saw Asher standing at the foot of the stairs, smirking at us. I groaned.

"Leave us alone, Ash," Blake said, sounding irritated. Asher shrugged.

"I'd love to, little bro," he said. "I have a girl to attend to." I rolled my eyes. He made it sound like the girl was a prize he would soon collect. And he was probably right. He was probably going to collect that girl's virginity like he had with my friends, even my best friends Marie and Tanner. He looked at me and winked. Blake must've seen because he stiffened beside me. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, sending him the message that there was no way I was going for Asher and his player ways. Blake relaxed a bit and smiled at me.

"I should go, I'll see you tomorrow, Blakey," I said, grinning. He hated when I called him that. Blake was actually 4 days younger than me. He made a face but soon smiled, giving me a small peck on the lips. It was sweet and short and something I've grown used to in the 3 months we've been together.

"Aw, you're whipped, Blakey!" Asher said. When he said 'Blakey', he tried to make it sound like me but failing.

"Asher, don't you have a girl?" Blake said, his temper rising. Blake was a usually calm, collected person. When around his brother, however, he was like a volcano itching to erupt.

"Yes, but I have time. I want that girl to beg," Asher smirked. I shook my head in disgust. Asher saw and laughed. "I still have time, darling. We could make it quick." Seriously? Gag.

"Thanks for the offer, Asher. If I wanted to contract a disease, you'd be the last person I'd think of going to," I said sweetly. His smirk faltered a little before laughing.

"You'd like to think that. When will you stop lying to yourself, little Emily?" he asked.

"Ash, I think it's time for you to go," Blake growled.

"Calm down, bro. No need to bring out the little pup you are," Asher laughed.

"Jerk," I muttered. Asher turned to me and was expressionless. He pretended to look at a watch that was obviously not there.

"Well, I kept Tanner waiting long enough, I should go now," he said. He said her name on purpose. I knew for a fact Asher doesn't know or remember the names of the girls he fucks, but of course, he said Tanner just to get to me. It took all my will power not to lunge at him and choke him to death.

"Have fun," I said, venom seeping from my words. He smirked. Man, that smirk was seriously getting on my nerves.

"I always do. And Tanner is one feisty girl in bed," he said, looking excited. I could practically see a bulge in his pants even though it wasn't there.

"I don't need to know," I hissed. I turned around to Blake and managed a small smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and sent daggers at Asher. I slipped on my shoes and ran out. One of these days, I'm going to kill Asher and his cockiness. If he knows what's best for him, he better sleep with one eye open. That's definitely not a threat, it's a promise.

*How is it? Okay?

Thanks for all the new fans!!! I never would've imagined to have so many!!


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