Chapter 4

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I waited as always in the classroom 03M for Mister Bulga. The room was quite big for the two of us. It has 2 big windows and the room is on the fourth floor so I can see a big part of our Town. It helped me a lot to improve my skills. I love sightseeing so it was perfect! I often sing in my room while looking out at the town, the sky or the sea, since our flat is on the sixth floor. Mister Bulga entered the room at 8'o clock as always.

-Did you enjoyed and relaxed the last three days?

-Yes I did. But why did you told me to relax three days? We only have one month to practice and now we have 3 days less to practice.

-Don't worry. It was a part of our training.

-A part?

-Yes, it is very important to relax from time to time. Your body need to do pauses and relax too. Since 3 months you barely played with your friends. All you did was learning and practicing. That's not good for your social life, your mental and also physical health. Now you are full of energy again and you will learn much faster than before. Trust me Sona.

-Oh okay thank you Mister Bulga.

He asked me which songs I planned to sing for the second round. I had Diamonds by Rihanna and Big Big World by Emilia in my head. He thought, that it was a great idea to choose those songs. They are not offending anyone and it was quite my singing style. The song texts are also not too difficult and was easy to learn. But the real problem was to write a song text. Mister Bulga admitted, that he is bad at writing song texts. He asked me, what I kind of songs I want to sing and in which situations I have the most fantasies in my head. It was an easy question with difficult answers. I didn't know. He said I should not stress myself with answering the question. We still have time until the second round. So I used the first 10 days for my practice. I learnt the lyrics really fast. No wonder I often listened to those songs. Every night I thought about the question. And finally I found an answer! Well I shall say thanks to Ennie, a friend of mine. We were swimming in the school's pool and we talked about dolphins. And after a while we talked about water, seas, and the world and thanks to all those talking, I had some sentences in my head, which were perfect! I was so happy! It means that if I do mind maps about something like water, then the result will be, that I will end up with thousands of things in my head, which I only had to write down and to connect. Then I will have a song text!

Mister Bulga helped me to find words to connect my sentences or to make sentences with those words. He helped me to create a song text which also rhymes. After many days of hard work, a perfect song text was created with my own hands and mind! And of course with the help of Mister Bulga. Now I need only to find background music, which sounds good with my text and then I only need to practice it. I don't know why but I didn't have to spend a lot of time to remember the text. Maybe I remembered it so fast because the text is written by myself? I learnt daily and sometimes even at nights. Every single minute I used to practice. It doesn't matter where I was I learnt and learnt and learnt. Even in the bathroom. And finally the month was over, time for the second stage! Yesterday I went to the studio's hotel and asked, if I may use the room from last time. They agreed.

6'o clock in the evening, we went on the stage. Every 12 of us was there. No one gave up. We had to pull a piece of paper with a number on it. 2. I was the second one who will sing tonight. We had to choose a song from the two songs, which were not written by ourselves. I choose the song from Emilia. The first one was a girl. She sang a song from Nicki Minaj. Well she could sing well but she was not really good at rapping. I think she failed. Then it was my turn. The announcer welcomed me and asked the name of the song which I will sing. I said Big Big World by Emilia and began to sing. They were fascinated and I saw a small fan group! Oh my god I was so happy! I sang with my heart and I had the feeling it will be a good night. I finished my song and the announcer told me that they will call us later. I did not want to go to my room. I wanted to listen how the other candidates sang. The third was the boy who rapped. This time he rapped a song from Lil Wayne. It was really good! Wow I'm sure he will have a good career. The girl after him sang a song from Adele. Well she failed with her voice. Then came another girl with a song from an unknown singer. After she finished I went in my room. I could no longer stay there. The more songs I listened to, the more uneasy I felt. Even though the second girl sang not as well as the other girl and the other boy, I had the feeling that she sang as good as me. Then it means I was worse than the other two. I took deep breaths in my room to calm myself down. I took out the text and began to sing. It calmed me down a lot. I read the song text which I wrote and smiled brightly. I never thought that my first song text will be this nice. Well I think it is a good text. Then I was called. They told me, that I passed the second round and tomorrow will be the half final. Beside me 5 other candidates passed too. So from 12 people only half of them passed. I was one of them.

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