Chapter 6

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Soon the weeks flies over and I'm on a plane flying toward San Francisco. The thought alone to stand on an international stage before 1000s makes me crazy! On top of that not only those 1000s of people sitting there will see and hear me singing, there will be also millions of people worldwide following it on their TVs! It's a big chance to fulfil my dream! My heart races like crazy right now and I have the feeling I have so much adrenaline in my blood which makes me crazy enough to jump from this plane! Ok no, no that's too stupid! Stupid Sona!

Suddenly I feel that the plane is going down quite fast! We are going to land in SF!!! I put the curtain at side and looks out of the window. The sky is dark, I can see many stars above me and the moon is shining behind us. Wow when I took the plane in London it was still bright day! Soon I see many streetlights under me, a big city. Then I can see many skyscrapers, many cars on the street and the Golden Gate Bridge, since we've got really near now. I'm beyond San Francisco! OMG! My heart starts to race like even crazier than before! I begin to feel really hot and I have the feeling that I will vomit anytime. I have to calm down! But I fail. I pass out before I knew it.

UGH! Why is it so bright here?! Where am I? I open slowly my eyes. The ceiling is white. I realise that I'm lying on a soft bed. I sit up, look around and it's clear now that I'm in a hospital! Why am I in a hospital?! Sona think, Sona think! Oh yes I passed out on the plane! Fuck hell no! I cannot rest here! Tomorrow begins the first round! I put my clothes on and begin to run toward the door. Before I could open it, a nurse comes in:

-Oh you are awake already. How do you feel?

-I'm fine. I have to leave the hospital.

-No wait miss! I call the doctor and your manager.

She leaves the room. Manager? I have a manager? Who's my manager? Does she means Mister Bulga? But he was not allowed to come with me. So who's this 'manager'?

-Hello. Miss Sona right? I'm doctor Whilson. Misses Lombarthen said that you told her that you are fine now. I have to make a test to confirm it. You have to stay here until the test is finished.

-But I can't! Tomorrow is a very important day for me! I have a very important event!

-Oh don't worry about it Miss. We have already informed your manager about this incidence. Here you can talk with him.

-Hello Miss Sona, I'm your manager from 'the young superteens'. I heard that you passed out on the plane right before you arrived here in San Francisco. We brought you here in this hospital. My job is to look after you for the whole event here in San Francisco. And about tomorrow, don't worry. You won't miss it so please do the test. Your health is more important right now. Oh yes you may call me Mister Stanford if you want.

-Uhm I got it. Thank you Mister Stanford.

He leaves the room with the nurse. The doctor does the same test like those one in my country. All those boring tests. Every year and every time always the same. Boring. As I already know I have nothing of course! I passed out because I was too excited, not because I'm sick or anything like that. The doctor speaks with Mister Stanford in another room after the test. Soon they come out and I'm allowed to leave. Mister Stanford brings me to my hotel. WOW! I've never ever seen such a beautiful hotel! It has 5 stars and everything looks so luxurious! We take the elevator because my room is on the 5th floor, number 512. He gives me the card, which is the key for my room and only with this card, I can eat in this hotel for free. Then he gives me another card with the letters 'the young superteens'. The moment when I took the card from him, I was staring at it the whole time! I can feel the joy inside me! I want to jump, I want to scream and I want to laugh out loud! I'm so happy! Damn but I have to leave it for later when I'm alone. He opens the door with the card '512' and holy shit! My room has three rooms, one has a toilet and a bathtub. It also has a big mirror! Another room has a desk and a chair. On the desk is a PC. Next to the desk is a smaller table. Next to the table is a couch and next to the couch stands a small fridge. In the last room there is a really big bed! You can also find a big HD-TV and a big wardrobe beside it but the most impressive thing is the window! The room has only 3 walls, the 4th is one big window! You can see a big part of the city! What a beautiful view! From here you can see the Golden Gate Bridge, the Transamerica Pyramid and the sea. You can see also a part of the Chinatown. Hell the Chinatown is really big! You have the feeling that almost half of the city is a Chinatown from here.

-And? Do you like this room?

-I love it! Thank you Mister Stanford!

-I'm glad that you like it. Please don't lose those cards. They are very important. The breakfast is from 6 a.m. until half past 9 a.m. The luncheon is between 12 a.m. and 3 p.m. and the dinner is between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. and try to NOT miss any of them. Here is a map of the city. You can find the address of the stage on the map. Wait I show you... Here. I will wait you before the stage tomorrow at 9 p.m. ok? Have a nice day until then Miss Sona. Oh and if you have any further questions regarding the competition and so on, here is my email. Just ask me and I will answer it as fast as I can.

-Thank you Mister Stanford.

He leaves the room and I jump immediately on the big bed. Omg it feels so great! It is so warm and soft! I take my suitcase and take everything out. I put my clothes in the wardrobe and everything what I need to bath or to wash myself and my make ups in the bathroom. Well its midday and I'm hungry. I go down in the hotel's restaurant. Today they have Italian dishes. I order Spaghetti Carbonara and for the dessert I choose some Zeppole. Before they give me my ordered food, they looked at me like wanting something from me. First I was like what do they want from me? Then one of them asks me for my card. Ah yes! Mister Stanford told me that I have to use my card to eat here for free. I take it out and show it to them. They look at it and put my noddle on the table. It looks so delicious. Well it is also delicious. The Zeppole are delicious too! They asked me sugar or chocolate for the Zeppole. Well of course with chocolate. What a question to ask a girl, sugar or chocolate! After the delicious food, I go up to my room, take a shower and time to go out! I still have a lot of free time before the event tomorrow evening. I want to see the city! I take the map out, the city is big! It is even bigger than Glasgow! Hm maybe I shall only visit the city areas around the hotel for today. I choose a road which leads to the west part of the city. The more I go to the western part of the city, the more I have the feeling I'm in Asia. Soon there are only Asians around me. What's going on? Is San Francisco not in the United States? I look on my map. Where am I...? Ah here: Chinatown. It's a big Chinatown. The whole western and south part of the city are habituated by Asians. No wonder that I have the feeling that I'm in Asia! Well doesn't matter! I spend my first day here then! I see a lot of unknown stuffs and learn a lot about how Asians live, at least how they live as a group in America. Soon the sky goes dark and I got hungry. Well let's eat some Asian food then! I ordered some Ramen in a Chino-Japanese restaurant. It was good! At late night I arrive at the hotel and enjoy the beautiful views onto the city.

The next day I will spend my day in the hotel. I wake up too late at 10 a.m. so the breakfast time was already over. I had to wait until 12 a.m. before I can something. Today they have seafood. After the luncheon I go to my room and spend the rest of my time to make my mind clear, to relax and to calm myself down. I can't afford to pass out again!

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