Chapter 9 - The Personal Guards

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Your POV:

I wake up the next morning in mine and Tord's room. I fluttered my eyes open to find the bed empty. I sat up and looked around, only to find a note at the foot of the bed. I quickly grabbed it and started reading. It said:

Dear Min Dronning,
I'm so sorry to leave you this morning but I have to take care of business. You know how it is. But I'll send my personal guards over to you once I see that you're awake. I have a camera in the corner of the room so I know nothing bad happens to you. The guards names are Paul and Patrick. They can be dull at times but they're good guards. Take care my love.
~ Tord

I smiled after reading it. I then quickly got up and got dressed in my normal clothing. Then, there was a knock at the door. I walk over and open it to find two men standing side by side. One was tall and long, and looked as is he was the logical one. The other one was kinda short, but taller than me, and had bushy eyebrows and a cigarette in his mouth and looked bored out of his mind. I kept looking at the two until the tall one cleared his throat." You must be ( Y/N ). I'm Patrick and this is Paul," he said while pointing Paul." We're Tord's personal guards and he sent us to watch you." I smiled and nodded." Yea I know. It's nice to meet you both!" I extended out my hand and Patrick gladly took it." I have seen you in many meetings with Tord but never met you personally." Patrick nodded at my confession. Paul just shrugged." Would you like to look around? I'm sure Tord wouldn't mind as long as we're around." I nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door, and walked down the hallway with Paul and Patrick at both sides of me.

Tord's POV:

I take a break from the paper work to see if everything's fine. I click on one to see ( Y/N ), Paul, and Patrick walking around the training grounds. Just seeing her made my heart melt. I sighed and got up. Maybe I could go and see what she's doing there anyway?

Your POV:

I was walking around the training grounds with Paul and Patrick when I felt awkward near the other soldiers for some odd reason. I felt a pair of eyes eyeing me down and it made me uncomfortable. I then feel myself being lifted off the ground and a pair of string arms being wrapped around my waist. I squealed and started kicking." TORD WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD IF YOU DONT UNHAND ME!!" I then hear the voice I dearly loved." You know me too well min dronning~." I smiled and turned around to find Tord smiling at me with his arms around my waist, making me feel secure. I giggled and hugged him tightly." I missed you!!" He chuckled and hugged me back just as tight." I missed you too. How'd you sleep?" I smiled." Very well actually. What about you?" I asked, tilting my head." Good. Especially since you were there." I laughed and kissed his cheek." Good to know." I then hear Patrick clear his throat. I look over only to see them both red faced. I started to laugh only to be interrupted by my stomach growling. Tord looked at me worriedly." You ok love?" I nodded and smiled awkwardly." Yea, just really hungry. I haven't eaten yet." Tord laughed and took my hand and kissed it." I'll have Paul and Patrick escort you to the kitchen and then back to the bedroom. I still have work to do until 7:00 tonight. Ok?" I nodded and kissed his cheek." I'll be waiting for you love." He smiled and walked off. I then turned to face Paul and Patrick and smiled." So where's the kitchen?" Patrick smiled." Over here. Follow us." They then started to walk with me in between as usual. They are the best personal guards besides my own. They're now my personal guards.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm gonna wrote another here in a few lol. I'm in a writing mood. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See ya in the next one! Bai!

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