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He lead me to his car, I sat in the passenger seat while he entered the car. "You'd love this place." A smile grew on his lips while we both buckled our seatbelts.

His smile was so contagious to me, I felt my heart flutter as his hand touched mine. "I'm glad we're doing this, Hyrin." His eyes were locked with mine. We haven't even left the driveway yet and I was already over the moon.

"M-me too." A small giggle left my lips, he gave me a small smile before beginning to drive. I stared at the window, leaning my head towards it. The car ride was silent, it was only the gentle music of the radio. I felt comfortable with Jin, yet I was curious as to where he was taking me.

"Here we are." He grinned, parking the car to a cute arcade. I love arcades, I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and left the car, A big smile was drawn to my face as I saw the entry. This arcade was huge.

"C'mon!" I squealed, grabbing his hand as we entered. He paid for our tickets and we played several games, I input to our last ticket available for air hockey. He chuckled at how excited I was.

We began to play, Jin and I were having so much fun. I was beating him with a score of 3-2. I accidentally hit too hard causing the puck to land in his crotch. He groaned in pain while leaning over the table.

I couldn't help but laugh as I began to support him, we both laughed together as I hugged him while apologizing. He laughed so hard he was almost in tears.

"I'm so sorry!" I giggled as I held both of his arms.

"I'm okay!" He laughed along with me. I offered him an ice pack but he denied it. We stared into each other's eyes, our laughs began to fade. It felt like we were the only ones in the arcade, he gently placed a hand on my cheek while we both leaned in.

I was completely speechless, I loved the moment that I was in. His eyes could make me melt, I can't deny the fact that I'm falling for him. I slowly closed my eyes and he did the same.

Now we were inches apart, my heart fluttered by his presence. The drum roll was coming, the kiss was going to happen. Suddenly sparks flew when his lips pressed against mine, it was magical. I couldn't express how I felt through words. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

We pulled away, we were breathless. I was flustered after what just happened, so was he.

"Wow." He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as a grin was drawn by his lips. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah." I giggled, looking down in embarrassment. If this is what it's like being with Jin, I'd love to continue this for the rest of my days.

"W-we should go to the next destination. I have another place to go before we go back." He smiled, taking my hand as our fingers interlocked.

I nodded, we left the arcade and went to his car. The car ride was exciting, we both sang along to songs and he told me some dad jokes.

"Jin, you're so cheesy." I laughed, shaking my head.

He laughed as well, we parked by a park with what looked like a small festival was going on. I followed him out the car with our hands held together.

We shared the snacks that I packed as we continued to walk. I stared at a beautiful necklace at a jewelry stand, it was a sliver necklace with a single green gem. It was so simple yet so beautiful.

I continued to stare at it unless I saw a hand snatch it out of my sight.

"I'd like to buy this, please." Jin spoke politely, the cashier nodded and Jin gave her some cash before thanking her.

"Jin, you didn't have to!" I whined, he chuckled and stood behind me placing the necklace around my neck.

"I wanted to, you look beautiful." He grinned, I was flustered by his sweet words.

"Thank you." I responded, he placed a soft kiss on my forehead while we continued to walk, I stared down at the necklace in awe.

This day couldn't get any better, but it was already getting dark. I saw Jin buy two lanterns and walking towards me. "Follow me." He said, I took the lantern he offered me and held his hand.

He lead me to where everybody was holding a lantern, I was in awe at how beautiful it looked when people began to let go and letting them float into the night sky. I let go of mine at the same time Jin did. I leaned on his arm, it was beautiful. Everything was perfect.

I felt Jin turn me towards him, he placed a soft kiss by my lips before I could speak a word to him. I felt as if I was in a fairytale, he made me feel like the world had more colour and brightness. We pulled away and he pulled me into a hug.

It was getting late, and sadly we had to go back to the dorm. We both knew at least somebody would question why were going back at eleven pm.

We held each others hands on the drive back to the dorm, once we entered the lights were on by the living room. We heard arguments from the living room, Somi and Jimin.

"NO! Why would you ever assume that, Jimin?! If you think I'm such a barrier I can gladly leave!" I heard her shout. All of the guys were by the stairs as they looked at us, they all looked upset.

"We tried to stop them, but they just got even louder." Jungkook frowned when he spoke.

"YEAH! LEAVE!" He snapped back, everybody flinched at his loud and harsh words.

We all heard loud stomps, Somi stomped past by all of us as she was clearly red from anger. She slammed the door behind her.

"What the hell happened in here?" Jin questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. I was asking the same question myself.

Just One Day. | KSJ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang