New Opportunities

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Jacob did his very best to disguise the frustration he felt at the smug merchant in front of him, and from his nominal ally behind. Considering the prices he'd seen for parchment just down the road, this was ridiculous. He supposed he could walk away, but he wanted merchants to start thinking of Ironwood as a partner. At least he wasn't losing money. "Fine, I will take 5 silver coins for the lot. Ceann, I think we're done for the main square warehouses. Let's take the bags back to the guest house."

This was the sixth large warehouse they had visited this morning, with next to nothing to show for it. Ceann wasn't above sharing his opinion out loud. "I told you this would happed," the broad man commented, in far too pleased a voice.

The luxuries and curiosities Jacob brought with him from home had not served him nearly as well as he hoped. True, some of the better pieces he had already left with Thane, but most of it wasn't going to sell here at any price. Packing a small number of a broad range of goods had proven a poor decision. The western artwork, jewelry, and even tools had failed to impress: the men here were too biased against foreign wares. As he had from Thane, Jacob sensed by far the most interest in raw materials, which were far too heavy to carry with him, and generally unprofitable to carry in wagons. Even for what they would buy, they didn't want to trade in coin. They refused to talk about what they might buy if Jacob had brought it, either, and wouldn't speculate on a price until they could see what they were trading for. It was, in fact, exactly as Ceann had said, except the merchants were even more stubborn than Jacob would have believed. They turned their noses up at better goods than could be bought a block down at twice the price. His adviser didn't have to look so smug about it.

"On the bright side," the older man added, "we'll be able to get on with what we're actually supposed to be doing, not gambling for pocket change."

Jacob snorted in exasperation, "The merchants have to know something useful, but I didn't expect them to be quite so hostile. I hoped I could warm them up with a little money, but that idea floated like a leaky lead rowboat. But of course I was trying to get information. What did you think I was doing?"

"Failing. I will grant you they were more stand-offish even than I remember. Maybe they've had bad experiences with foreigners in the past."

Jacob had no response. It was time to was reconsider the plan. He had intended to spend days, if necessary, negotiating prospects for future trade, and establishing relationships he could make use of. The city was more than big enough to hide three men who had gone to ground, especially from a small party with only a week to find them. But if he could get some locals on his side, he might find some real answers. Unfortunately, Ceann was right too: using trade as a lure was a waste of time. Persisting would only make him look more desperate.

Their next best bet was to flex his identity as the Baron's son, and try to meet some clan leaders. Ceann had mentioned that the important men of Sarronen came daily to the Great Tent to petition their king. It was there that disputes were resolved, reports were given, and where the administrative tasks of the realm were carried out. The rich and powerful attended the king to get news of the events affecting the nation: raids, border disputes, and diplomatic reports. It was also where public projects like roads, sewers, and temples were planned. Hopefully Jacob would be more welcome there, and maybe he could convince someone there to help Ironwood. Ceann wasn't exactly confident in that plan, either, but he was short on better ideas. So Jacob nodded, and followed the older man in silence.

Jacob was still considering his rather unattractive options when he and Ceann were formally announced at the entrance to the Great Tent. The courtesy ended there: except for a few passing glances, the pair from Ironwood were ignored.

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