Kat's Memories/Kidnapping

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Kat's P.O.V.
I wanted to cry and scream. Dylan was hurting me, he tortured me. "you are stupid" I heard him yell at me. "you're worthless" he told me. "nobody will ever be your friend" by this time I had a massive bruise on my face from where he slapped me.

***Kat wakes up***

I woke up. "it was only a dream" I thought. I looked up and saw a man standing above my face, he was in his mid 40s and had grey hair. I can remember McCarthy showing his photo in a briefing but I can't remember his name. "I tried to make it look like an accident but uhhh..." he paused. "still that dam looks nice and deep" he added. I couldn't believe what he was saying "it doesn't matter if they never find your body" he finished "no, wait, wait please! Please..." I said before he put a scarf over my mouth. "testifying against your mates... big mistake" he said nodding as he pushed me down. "You should have just kept your dumb mouth shut" he said as he tied my hands to a brick.
I heard a car pull up and the man walked towards it. "Have you seen a girl..." I heard Robbo say "I know you" he said. I made a noise and the guy bolted and Robbo raced to me "Kat, are you ok?" he took the scarf out of my mouth.
Robbo's P.O.V
Seeing Kat like that gave me a fright. "that's the guy who works for Dylan, my ex!!! Go, go, go, go" Kat yelled at me. I gave chase, until I pushed him over and we got into a fight. "Tell me who I am!" I told him "we served together!" he yelled back. "what's my name?" I asked in a seriously aggressive tone. "your name is Beckett Reid!" he finally said. "ROBBO!" I heard Kat yelling "Are you ok!" she added. I left the man alone and drove Kat back to the bay. I took her to the hospital.

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