Chapter 20

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*Shan's POV*

I woke up with a banging headache, I couldn't remeber much from my birthday. It was just a blur. I then realised I was layed on something other then my bed, I looked up to see my bestfriend smiling at me. Suddenly I remembered something, Dylan jumping out of a massive present and telling me he was in love with me and us kissing. "Morning" He said.

"Morning" I replied in a confused tone getting out of my bed.

"You don't remember anything do you?" He said laughing.

"Not really, I think I might remeber something but I'm not sure" I replied putting my hand on my head as my head was banging. "Serves you right for getting drunk" Dylan said, nice to know he was back to his sarcstic self. "Well it was my 18th Dylan, anyway tell me what happened? and why I was asleep on you" I said.

"Don't worry nothing happened I brought you home coz you was drunk and I help sort you out and you told me to stay, you said you loved me and I said it back and you fell asleep" He replied. I looked at him in complete shock and felt my cheeks burn as I blushed. "My god you really don't remeber do you?" He said. "Last night, I came to your party in a massive present and gave you me as a present. I jumped out of the present after everyone shouted for you to open it and Itold you I was in love with you, you told me you was in love with me too and then we kissed" He continued smiling and biting his lip. "THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED?!" I yelled. He laughed at me. "I thought that was a dream" I continued. "Nope" he said.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I said that" I replied.

"Oh so you don't love me then?" He said obviously knowing the answer seen as my cheeks felt like they were on fire. I must be blushing like crazy. "No I don't, y-yes, yes Dylan I do love you" I told him.

"More than a friend?" He said. I knew he knew the answer.

"Y-yes more than a friend" I confessed. Dylan smiled at me.

"Well that's good then" He said now inches away from my face. I finally looked away my blush and butterflies becoming uncontrolling. Dylan put his finger under my chin and lifted my face up so I was looking at him once again. He leaned in and our lips connected. "At least you'll remeber this one" Dylan said as we parted. I smiled and nodded shyly. "Okay I'm gunna go now, seen as your up and not drunk" He said laughing.

"Okay" I replied hugging him like always and pecking his lips again.

"Bye" He said.

"Bye" I replied and he left. I looked out of my window as he waved up and drove off in his car.

Oh my god, this is like the best day ever!

A/N: Sorry if this chapters rubbish and repeating stuff, but people tend to forget stuff when they're drunk so that's why I wrote it. 

What do you want to happen with Dyaln and Shannon in future chapters? (dates ect.) Leave a comment and If I choose your idea I'll dedicate the chapter to you. Love ya xx

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