Chapter 23

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I must have fallen asleep with Dylan at the side of me because when I woke up and opened my eyes he was nowhere to be seen. I looked over to my clock to see the time when I spotted a note. Had to go my mum wanted me home for something, will call you later -D x, it read. I got out of my bed suddenly feeling much better. I opened my bedroom door and all I could smell was food.

I slowly made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. "Glad you're awake" My mum said as walked into the kitchen yawning. "How did you know I was asleep?" I asked her.

"Dylan said so before he left you've been asleep about and hour and a half" She replied. "You were asleep about 45 mins before Dylan left" She continued. She picked up the oven gloves and started to open the oven. "What have you made mum?" I asked her.

"Lasange, your favourite" She replied. She was right whenever I was ill or something I would ask for lasange. It's my comfort food, next to chocolate. "Sounds great" I said sitting down as my mum brought the dish of lasange over and served us both a massive serving of it.

"So what went on today then?" My mum asked me before taking a mouthful of lasange.

"I woke up hungover, As you know and Dylan told me what had happened last night and why I was asleep on him. Then he went and I fell back asleep, Alyanna rung asking me if I was okay and we had a little chat then she went and Dylan showed up at the door and looked after me" I answered her. "What about when you went upstairs?" She asked. I knew where she was going witht this.

"Oh my god mum seriously? Nothing happened, you should know what I'm like by now and Dylan wouldn't do anything anyway" I said to her.

"I know but that was before all this happened" She said.

"Yes but this doesn't change anything, all we did was talk for a bit before I fell alseep that's it" I said to her. "Okay, well just making sure that you don't do anything stupid and are safe" She said.

"Really mum? I'm not even thinking about doing anything like that, atleast not yet anyway. I wanna wait until I've found the right person first atleast, and even if I did do something I'd make sure I'm safe I'm not stupid." I said quite annoyed now.

"Okay, I'm just curious and worry about you, you know that" My mum said, she seemed to be upset. I hate it when we argue but she needs to remember that I don't want to do anything like that, not yet anyway.

I say until the right guy comes along, but what if Dylan's the right guy?

How do I know if he's the right one for me? I know I'm in love with him but how do I know if he's the one?

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