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      "Well f*ckity f*ck f*ck f*ck," I cursed beneath my breath. The sight in front of me had my stomach feeling as if it was wrung out like a rag.

    "You're right, 'f*ckity f*ck f*ck f*ck'. Where is all of it?" Reynolds asked, tapping his foot against the floor.

I shrugged, staring at the empty bag. "I don't know. I swore it was full on Friday and I left it in my locker."

    "That's funny considering it's sitting in front of us now, empty," Reynolds snapped.

    I scowled at him. This wasn't my doing, and both of us knew that. I had too much in the line. I wasn't in the position to take risks like this.

"Who else knows your locker combination?" He asked, eyeing the lock suspiciously.

     "No one! I told you, Reynolds! Someone must have picked it..." That's when it hit me. Someone did know my locker combination. "Sh^t!" I cursed.

    Reynolds growled. "Miller, if you're withdrawing any information from me, don't doubt for a second that I'll take you out on the slightest falter."

I bit my lip. I knew he was speaking the truth. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. "There is one person that knows my locker combination..."

"Who?!" Reynolds demanded, gripping my shirt.

I looked down at the floor. This person knew the combination because it was my combination for everything. They knew it because we used to be best friends. They knew it because once upon a time I trusted them. I definitely didn't anymore. "Amanda Winston..." I said softly.


     I stared at the scene in front of me. I was supposed to go right up to Amanda and pull her away as soon as I entered the cafeteria, but my plans were all spiraling downhill, as well as my feelings.

    Alistair was sitting right at his spot at the popular table with Amanda. But Amanda wasn't sitting beside Alistair, no, she was sitting on him. More specifically, on his lap. And they were sucking face together. My heart clenched painfully. They looked to be having quite a lot of fun.

      A million thoughts swirled through my head, overwhelming me entirely. Had what me and Jonathan shared just a few days ago meant nothing to him? Did he no longer give a sh^t about the predicament we were in?

I swallowed harshly and strode up to them. I tapped Amanda on the shoulder. She pulled away, her lip stick smeared and her hair ruffled. Jonathan opened his eyes, blinking. His lips were painted pink from Amanda's dye.

Amanda huffed when her eyes locked with mine. "What do you want, d^ckface?" She asked angrily.

"A moment of privacy," I said, glancing around the cafeteria. There were more than just a few pairs of eyes watching the scene closely, eagerly waiting for someone to get b*tchslapped.

    Amanda glared at me and crawled off of Alistair who was shamefully staring at the table. Amanda stood, straightening her clothes. I turned and left the cafeteria, her following me.

Once we were out of sight of everyone else, I almost blew up. "What the literal f^ck, Amanda?!" I burst out.

She crossed her arms, smirking. "Little jealous, aren't we? I knew you'd admit to liking me if I made you jealous!"

I paused momentarily- she thought I liked her? She thought I was jealous of Alistair? I had to hold back a laugh. "Whatever. That's not what I wanted to talk about here anyway!"

"What do you want to talk about, then?" Amanda asked, frowning slightly.

I licked my lips. "It's about my locker combination. You still know it, right?"

She nodded in confirmation, her eyes growing wide. "Oh my god, I'm so so so sorry! I was really mad at you and I-"

I stopped her, growling. "Who did you tell?!" I demanded.

She swallowed nervously. "It was only Alistair! He said it was an emergency and he said he would let me kiss him if I gave it to him!"

"D*mmit Amanda!" I cursed, licking the wall angrily. I pulled at my hair. Of course it was Alistair. It was always Alistair.

That's when I started to piece it together in my mind- Alistair went to Amanda because I mentioned that we used to be best friends, right? Which meant he was listening there. Then he took the drugs- most likely to keep them away from me. He must have thought I was addicted or something! That stupid motherf^cker! I was probably just jumping to conclusions, but deep down I really wished he did it for me.

    Amanda whimpers. I couldn't help but to compare it to Alistair's sexy, cute little whimper. When she made the sound, she just sounded pathetic. I scowled at her. "Stay here!" I snarled.

    Then I marched right back into the cafeteria, pulling out a struggling and cussing Alistair. "Stop it, you d#ckhead!" He spat.

   I pushed him up against the wall beside Amanda. "Now your two's stories better match up!"

   Amanda gulped, crossing her arms. Alistair just scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about, you gay wad!"

    Amanda shot him a look. "Stop insulting him and calling him names! You're not helping our case!"

    Alistair rolled his eyes. "Jonathan doesn't scare me. He just likes trying to rape dudes and convince them it wasn't his fault!"

   I growled. "Stop it, Alistair! We are not talking about that night right now! We're talking about how you've been stealing things from me!"

   Amanda gasped. "Wait, you two screwed?!" She asked, horrified.

    "Just go away! I don't need you here anymore!" I shouted at her. She bit her lip before turning on her heal and leaving.

    I turned back to Alistair. "Why did you take them?" I asked lowly. Alistair softened.

    "I'm sorry... It's just... I don't want you getting arrested or anything! That could literally ruin your life!" He said.

    I blinked rapidly. "You actually care what happens to me?"

    Alistair scowled. "Of course I do, you dweeb! I'm sorry about the comment in front of Amanda, though."

    I shrugged it off. "Listen Alistair, I need those drugs back. If I don't..." I shuddered. "I can't even think about it. Please, Alistair."

     Alistair bit his lip. "Jonathan, you can't just do this!"

    I pressed him up against the wall, coming closer. "They're here, aren't they? In your locker?" I asked softly.

    He shook his head. "No... They're in the football locker rooms. But listen, Jonathan! You can't do this!"

    I closed my eyes. "I have to. You don't understand."

$$ Hiya peeps! Da Lemon Man is back! Hope you liked the new chappie!$$

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