Stupid Squirrel!

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I just looked at him for what seemed like an eternity until Marshall nudged me out of my contemplation. I blinked and started to talk in a small voice, "What do you mean 'you move'? Aren't you coming?" He looked at me and blew out a breath he had apparently been holding in. "I didn't think you were okay when you didn't say anything. I won't be joining you in Georgia," he said with an even tone. I didn't say anything as I started thinking about why he wasn't coming with me to Georgia. Sue, my mom's mom, loved Marshall to death. I just didn't understand why he wouldn't be coming with me, he loves her just as much as she loves him. Wouldn't he want to be with her as soon as possible? And the way he worded that last sentence had me worried. Marshall only talked that way, as if he was trying to not tell the entire truth when he was upset, sad, or downright scared about something. "You'll be coming later, right? I with mom when she visits?" I stupidly hoped his answer would be yes, or at the very least a maybe. He did not say anything and directed his eyes to the wood floor. After what seemed like an eternity, I couldn't stand his silence any longer. "Jack?" I prompted a response from him using the old childhood nickname I haven't used since I was seven. He smiled slightly. Still not looking at me, he said in a low voice, "I can't come to Sue's for a year or so." I took his face in my hands, turning him to face me. I gave him a comforting smile. "I know you want to see Sue, so I'll make sure to have her Skype with you as often as possible, okay?" He nodded then rested his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him, and we just sat there. Whatever was keeping him from going with me was enough to make him not want to talk about it, so I waited. I quickly texted Kate and told her to meet me at midnight and not to come any sooner. My brother was shaking as I sent the message. His mental state was terrible right now. After about twenty minutes, a quiet, shy voice broke the silence. "Dad wants me to stay in Sydney and finish school. Then he wants me to stay here for college. He didn't tell mom, but is going to tonight." I almost screamed but decided that that wasn't going to help Marshall at this very moment. Our father and mother divorced after Marshall was born, he left us to go become a chef in Sydney. "Chris Mulligan, famed modern chef of Sydney" is his title. He had a lot of money and used it to hire a lawyer and divorce my mom, giving no real reason for it. All he said was that they were going to get a divorce, and that was that. Father, I couldn't even associate the word "dad " with him without gagging, paid for Marshall's private schooling as soon as Marshall showed an inkling of interest in cooking. This man has written out a life plan for his son without even really knowing anything about him. Marshall doesn't actually want to study at a culinary school, but that is where he has been for the past couple of years. Marshall brought his head up from my shoulder, "Are you okay? Please don't be mad. I'm completely fine with it." He was definitely lying; I shot a scowl in the direction of my home. Marshall was always quiet, doing as told every day. I, on the other hand, spoke my mind. I tended to shoot off at the mouth ((Hamilton anyone?)). In my mind, there was no doubt that something had to said to Chris before he took away all of the freedom Marshall should have for his own life. Chris is so "charming" that whatever he says goes, no matter what anyone else thinks. I hated the way that happened. All. The. Time. I normally acted older in thought than in speech, but Chris brought out the real irritated adult in me. I talk to him as though he was an annoying cousin and I was actually old enough to not be grounded for the words I spoke to him. What makes no sense to me is that no one ever feels the need to go against him except for me. "I'm going to smack him," I growled under my breath. My brother looked at me with fear in his eyes. Whenever I am as angry as I was then, the house is always filled to the roof with yelling. I calmed myself and smiled at him. "I am fine." Marshall looked at me with skepticism. "You never calm down this quickly Sonja," he stated. "I'm not mad, not right now at least. Come on though, let's go home already. We can't have you stay out here all night on your first night home. Mom would have a fit, you know," I said while playfully shoving him. He smiled and shoved back. My brother knew that if I was joking around, everything would be alright. I thought about anything and everything while Marshall and I climbed down the ladder. Marshall was silent all the way home because when I am concentrating this hard it is best not to talk to me. As soon as we entered the house, my father's oh so lovely voice rang through our ears. "Ah! Stupid squirrel! Get off!" I walked into our living room and began to laugh at the sight before me. My father glared at me as I smirked back at him. My sass was showing as I had my hands on my hips," NYA, for your information, is a kangaroo-rat, not a squirrel. And she is only sitting on you because you deserve to be sat upon." I took her off of his bald head, feeling no remorse for what NYA did. Chris started to say something, but I left the room so I wouldn't have to hear it. Marshall looked from my smirk to NYA and back. Then he cocked an eyebrow at us in amusement. I laughed softly but shook my head.

(1059 words in total, not counting the a/n. I'm proud and surprised! Okay, I am finally publishing this chapter. Well, I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. As some might assume, there will be some horses in this book. They won't show up yet though, so if you are waiting to see them: sorry but you are going to have to wait a wee bit longer. Also, if I made any grammatical errors or if you think a part should be revised: please tell me either in the comments or private message because I'm kind of just writing this as I go and not really checking for errors. Hope y'all have an amazing day, night, morning, etc. Hasta luego chicos y chicas. ((PS: Jaela_the_Fangirl plzzzzz check this chapter out!! Thank you!!)

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