Yelling Isn't Helpful

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Chris came into the kitchen right behind us. The front door banged closed, followed by mom's footsteps. "What the heck is he doing here? And why is he sending me messages that make no sense and just saying that we'll talk later?!" Mom screamed through out the house. When she saw Chris standing in our small kitchen, she pulled her lips into a straight line and hushed up. Her eyes trailed from me to Marshall then landed on Chris in a glare. Her arms crossed. No one wanted to start the fiasco of a conversation that we all knew was going to happen anyway. I said impatiently, "Why can't Marshall come to Georgia?" Mom gaped at me for such a quick second that I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't looking at her. Marshall took a step back so that he wouldn't have to be in between Chris and I. "This is a lot more complicated than you think. And it is something that you shouldn't be worrying about," he said coolly. I stared at him then at Mom. Mom looked down and walked over to Marshall, waiting for an outburst to come from my lips. This was a usual occurrence for me when I am in the same room as Chris. The outburst didn't come. After a couple of deep breathes I was calm enough to start talking again. "I may not be an adult, but I am smart enough to understand complicated things. So enlighten me. Please," I said with a sweet smile. Eventually I couldn't hold the smile without clenching my fists and reminding myself :"you yell now and nothing is accomplished." Chris looked at mom. Mom shrugged instead of answering. Apparently that was enough encouragement for him to begin speaking again. "Your brother has a bright and successful future ahead of him. Staying here guarantees that future. Don't you want him to have a good life? Being successful?" He spoke patronizingly as he did when he told me that he was moving Marshall to Sydney a couple years ago. I hated it! The way he said it was supposed to sound comforting but it just sounded fake. "Will he be happy?" I argued. "What?" He had the audacity to say as though he didn't hear me. "Will Marshall be happy in the bright future you want him to have? OR," I paused after pulling the 'or' out in one long, annoyed syllable, "Will he just become a rich snob like you?" Marshall mouth formed an 'o' shape as he stared at me. I don't usually bring up the fact that he had left us to make as much money as possible, but this was the last straw. He can't just mess with Marshall's life and not care what damage he does in the process. "What are you talking about?!" His voice raised a few octaves. I'm honestly surprised I didn't start yelling at him right then, instead choosing to glare at him. "Did you ever really ask him what he wants? Did you ever ask him what he wants to major in or even if he wants to go to a big university?" I glowered, "Or did you just plan it all out not caring what his wishes were?" Mom finally left the room. Probably because she knew how this was going to end. "You have no right to say that. I am your father and his father. You both are to do as you are told without argument. In fact. Go to your room young lady!" He yelled in me face. "No," I said quietly. "What did you just say?!" He yelled again. "No, I do have the right to say that. You may be my father but you certainly don't act like it. I am not going to do what you say when you don't deserve the obedience. You only come here when you are bored or want to wreck our lives. I will not go to my room, you do not own this house! You are not even my legal guardian so stop acting like you are!" I fumed our is the room and ran outside. Never once did I turn out at the sound of my mother calling me. I ran all the way to Maswali as fast as my legs could carry me. My watch said it was 11:39pm. Kate would be there soon, that thought pushed me to go faster. When I got into the hut, I sank to the floor. I held back the tears that threatened to overflow. Feelings of anger and frustration and sadness radiated through me in waves. I started bawling in my hands. Kate walked into the hut cautiously. When she saw me, she ran forward to hug me. She told me that everything would be okay. After a few moments, she started talking. "What's wrong?" She asked me.  Concern filled her eyes. I explained what happened with proper pausing for the occasional 'what?!', 'how dare he?!', 'the nerve he has!' and sniffle. We sat and talked for an hour until her mom texted her to come home. We hugged and said goodbye. I promised her that I would call as soon as I got off the plane in the US. And then we hugged once more before going our separate ways. Back at the house, Chris' car was gone and the house lights were off. I walked inside and to my bedroom. A piece of paper fell from the door. It read, the handwriting was my mom's, "Chris left and will be coming back next week to bring Marshall back to Sydney. I'm sorry that he has to go. Try to get some sleep, okay?" On my bed was a sleeping Marshall. He must of tried to wait for me. I laid down next to him and pulled him to me in a hug. His face was red from crying. I hadn't called or texted him back. He was probably worried sick. As I was falling asleep, he spoke softly. "Where did you go?" I could tell he wasn't really asking where I went, but why I had left him. I turned to him and smiled slightly, "I couldn't be in the house with his stupidity. I'm sorry I left you alone with him." He smiles and turned his head onto my shoulder to go to sleep. "It's okay. But don't do it again, okay?," he teased even though he was still a little serious. I pecked his forehead with my lips and said, "Got it." And we both fell into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms.

((Good morning people. Or more like good morning Becca lol. Hope everyone has a great day!! Hasta luego!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2017 ⏰

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