Short Prologue - The Akuma

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                                                                                   - Narrator's POV -

     Marinette ran behind a bush, ducking down and popping open the clasps that held her bag closed.  Tikki flew out, eager to help fight another Akuma.  Soon, Ladybug was jumping over the rooftops to go meet her partner, Chat Noir.  They always met in the Eiffel Tower when they were starting patrol or going after an Akuma.

     Ladybug found Chat Noir ducked down, peeking behind a post, his eyes scouring the ground below for any signs of the impending Akuma.  Ladybug got down and peeked with him.

     They saw the Akuma and they were off - jumping over the tops of the roofs in their way, making their way towards the Akumatized villain.  

     The villain this time was Manipulator, made from a writer who sent his story to an overbearing publisher who had so many "suggestions" that it was basically rewriting the story.  Manipulator, who wanted to now control everything, could control any object.

     Ladybug and Chat Noir landed simultaneously in front of Manipulator, swinging their weapons defensively.  Manipulator laughed.

     "Do you think that, because these are your Miraculous weapons, I cannot control them?  Well, think again!"  With that, Manipulator cast out his hand and Chat Noir's silver baton went whirling through the air.

     "LUCKY CHARM!"  Ladybug yelled.

     "So early, M'Lady?"  Chat asked for Ladybug had never used Lucky Charm so early in a fight.

     "I don't see how we are going to be able to get through this fight without it.  Think about it.  Our suits are objects, aren't they?  So wouldn't he then be able to control us?"

     "Yeah...scary."  Chat mused as a bobby pin floated majestically into Ladybug's outstretched hand.

     "What am I supposed to do with a bobby pin?"  Ladybug thought aloud.  She grasped the pin and looked up just in time to see her compact fly out of her hand and tie the two heroes up.  Then, in a flash, Chat's baton smacked them both over the head, knocking them out cold.

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