Update + Chapter Five

15.1K 291 224


Okay.....lemme level with you guys.

If you haven't seen the Update "story" I recently posted (a lot of people haven't) I'll essentially be saying the same thing here but.....*faints*.

I know a lot of creators freak out about the number of reads their story has gotten, but as a creator myself I really understand...especially now.  I posted this story last year and reading it again I don't really like it; there are so many flaws and typos and it's so cringy and cheesy and...but you guys seem to like it and that confuses me.

Still, 9.4K reads is something I NEVER in a MILLION YEARS thought I would achieve.  I literally forgot this account for a year and made a new account, and then suddenly "The Closet" was in my recommended.

Let's just say, when I saw the read count I cried.  My stupid little story got attention?  ME?  I read every single comment posted on the story, and it honestly makes me want to cry every time I read it.

I actually just now took a break from writing to scroll through my many notifications I've gotten over the past year and...I won't cry...I won't...

Do you guys realize I can see it when you add my story to your libraries?  So many....don't...cry...

As per request, I'm going to be doing another chapter on this story.  I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I'm actively working on another story called Forbidden (previously on inconspicuousCats, my other account) so go read that one when it's out!

*cough* Without further ado, I bring you Chapter Five.


"Marinette!" Tikki yelled, sitting on Marinette's chin.  "You're going to be late!  Remember what today is??!!"

Marinette sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes.  "Whaa?" she mumbled as she removed her covers from her and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.  Tikki flew over to her calendar and pointed with both tiny arms at the boldly circled date box.  Marinette's eyes opened wide as the realization of the day dawned on her.

"Why didn't you say so sooner," she asked, jumping up and running to get ready.  She'd somehow agreed to wake up at 7 a.m. on a Saturday.  She got dressed as usual and headed out, leaving her startled parents with "good mornings" and kisses.  She grabbed a fresh croissant as she left.

Finishing the croissant, she arrived at school just as Adrien's limo pulled up.  "Wow, Mari!  You pulled that all the way to school?" he asked in surprise, gesturing to the large wagon she pulled behind her, filled with boxes. 

She nodded excitedly.  "You got permission, right?"

"Of course, Bugaboo.  I wouldn't forget," he smirked at the superhero nickname finally being applied to his love in civilian form.

She patted his head.  "Good kitty.  Now, did you bring the tables?"

He nodded and she helped him carry a series of folding tables into the school gym.  They set everything up and waited for Alya and Nino to arrive, an hour and a half before the rest of the expected crowd.

Right on time, Alya showed up with Nino in tow, and as soon as she saw Marinette and Adrien standing in front of a line of folding tables, she became confused.

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