Panic and Surprises

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As Scott and the Sheriff are sitting beside the hospital bed, Scott sleeping and John being too scared to sleep, they are startled by the beeping of Stiles' monitor, as it had been going at the same rhythm for the last two months. Now though? Now it was speeding up, as if Stiles' heart were racing.


I'm sitting right beside Stiles, waiting for him to wake up, but as the days turn to weeks and the weeks turn to months, it just seems less and less likely that he'll survive. His heart rate has been going at the same slow pace every day for the last two months, with no signs of changing until last week when it slowed even more, to the point where you would start to think that it has stopped completely between each beep.

I raise my head up to check on Scott, who hasn't left the hospital since he got here. When I look over, I notice that he is sound asleep, finally getting the rest that he needs. Looking at him, I can't help but feel bad for the teen. I know he said that he feels like he had abandoned Stiles, and that makes me slightly angry at him, but I realised that he isn't the only one who wasn't there for Stiles. I know that I am to blame, I know that I wasn't there for him, too frustrated with all of the lies and secrets, so I started taking all the shifts that I could, thinking that I wouldn't be as frustrated with him if I wasn't there for him to lie to. Instead, I ended up leaving him all alone, with nobody to notice what he was going through.

As I'm sitting there, thinking about where I went wrong and telling the comatose Stiles how sorry I am, I am startled by a beeping sound that keeps getting faster and faster. I look over at the heart monitor and notice that Stiles' heart is racing. I turn to face Stiles and see Scott startle awake and do the same thing. The look on Stiles' face is changing for the first time since he got here, but instead of just waking up, he seems to have a panicky look on his face. At this, I realise that he's waking up in the midst of a panic attack.

I reach out my hand to place on his arm to try and soothe him, which results in him waking up and flinching. But as soon as his eyes open, I get the fright of my life. They are a bright fiery reddish orange. But that isn't the strangest part. No, that would be the reddish hair that is rapidly covering his body as it seems to completely change shape. I'm severely confused and look away for a second, but when I look back, I no longer see my son. Instead, in his place I see a small, red fox kit. I let out a small squeak in fear, which only seems to startle the already frightened kit, and he jumps off the bed and runs out the door. I go to look at Scott to see if he has any idea as to what is going on, but all I see is confusion mixed with surprise before he leaps up to follow the kit, leaving me here alone and more confused than I have ever been in my life.


When I wake up to the sound of Stiles' monitor speeding up, I immediately look at him, but all I see is distress and panic on his face. I look to John to see his reaction in time to watch him place his hand on Stiles' arm, only to watch Stiles flinch and jerk awake, finally opening his eyes. I start to feel relieved at the sight of him finally regaining consciousness, but that slowly turns to a feeling of confusion and fear when I see his eyes open, and, instead of his honey amber eyes, I see a bright colour, closely resembling a fire. But then red hair starts to cover his entire body, and, unable to tear my eyes away like the Sheriff, I watch in terrified amazement as my best friend and brother changes into a small fox kit. At first, I can't believe my eyes, thinking that I am still dreaming, but when I take a deep breath, I can smell magic, fox, panic and fear. But under all of that, I smell Stiles, scent as strong as ever.

I go to reach for him when I hear the Sheriff let out a high-pitched sound, which must scare fox Stiles as he jumps off the bed and runs out. I stay seated for a few seconds, still confused, but then I run out after him. I can't let anything else happen to him, not when we just got him back after two months. So, I follow him to see where he goes, but because of his small size, and my reluctance to follow too fast as I don't want to reveal the supernatural, I end up losing sight of him. And he must have known that I was in pursuit, as I can smell him everywhere, likely due to him running around to distribute his smell so that I wouldn't be able to track him. It seems that he is just as smart in his fox form as he was when he was human.

I go to call Derek to tell him what happened and ask for his help, even though we haven't seen or heard from him since that day in the Stilinski driveway when he howled. But, unsurprisingly, all I get is his voicemail, so I leave a message.

"Hey, Derek, no time to explain, but Stiles has woken up and we need to find him. He just ran off and I lost sight of him. Please call me back, we need you." When I hang up, I put my phone back in my pocket and run the rest of the way to Isaac's to get his help.

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