A Desprate Attempt

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Stephanie sat over her dusty old computer browsing pictures of Victoria's Secret models while tears dripped off of her eyes. She admired their perfect face shape and perfect luscious locks. She wished and wished until she finally did something about it.

In an instant, she typed in "plastic surgery Irvine CA". A rush of websites appeared.

Do you want a beautiful face or body? Come to our clinic right now to get a free estimate! Only quality services done here.

Quality clinic in Irvine, CA. We specialize in plastic surgery.

Stephanie awwed at the prices on these websites. Roughly $60,000 for a boob job? She was a poor waitress at Denny's, how could she ever afford this? Suddenly, an idea popped in Stephanie's imperfect little head. She quickly typed in "craigslist Irvine CA".

Cheap plastic surgery ASAP!
Get your long awaited plastic surgery done in a jiffy! It's also cheap! Call for more details.

This particular ad struck Stephanie a special way. The word 'cheap' and 'ASAP' intrigued her. Of course that is what they were supposed to do anyway. She called the number.

"Hello." A quiet dark male voice expressed.

"Hey, I saw your ad on Craigslist and I need some work done," Stephanie continued, "I just need to know the price."

"Oh I see," The man said. Stephanie could sense the creepy smile he most likely had spread across his face, "Depends what you want."

"I want a nose job, face lift, boob job, liposuction, eye lift, oo! And do you do eye color changes? I need those bright blue eyes!" Stephanie requested.

"Oh we do everything sweetie," he creepily said, "all of that will most likely cost $170. Also, if you're looking for new hair, we do scalp transplants."

"Wow only $170! Also I'd love that scalp transplant! When's the fastest appointment?" Stephanie grinningly exclaimed.

"Well you did read the sign didn't you? It said ASAP! So, the fastest appointment would be right now!"

All of this seemed too good to be true in a normal person's eyes. But for Stephanie, things were different. She ignored all the red flags and price tags just to make herself look better. Plus, she didn't even question were the scalp would come from!

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