The Actual Thing

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Stephanie rushed over to the address he told her as fast as she could. She ran all the red lights and cut tons of people off. No one could describe how excited she was to finally be perfect. It was all she'd ever wished for, since she was only 5 years old.

When she finally arrived at the old run down place she couldn't contain her excitement. It was a small, shed looking house with slabs of stained wood falling off. The roof was made of terrible carpet material and there was trash all around the house. It smelt strongly of cat urine, but of course Stephanie didn't care.

She knocked on the old brown door six times before the man answered.

"Hello there pretty lady," The old man flashed his crooked yellow teeth as he did a creepy smirk, "come right in, we can start your surgeries right away."

Stephanie eagerly walked in. There was only one room. There was a black table with old plastic sheeting and blood on it. The walls were covered in brown stuff that looked like possible blood. There was one mounted fish. Next to the table was another table with scissors, tweezers, and a trash bag on it. How anyone could still follow through with a procedure after seeing this is beyond me. But Stephanie was desperate and poor.

"Get naked pretty girl." He creepily said while Stephanie striped off her clothes and stood there. "Wow, amazing shape." The old man stroked Stephanie's breasts with his wrinkly hands. Stephanie slapped his hand away.

"Can we get on with the surgery please?" Stephanie eagerly asked. He threw her on the table and gave her a strange shot filled with brown liquid. Stephanie's vision quickly faded away...

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