"What happened to this door?"

"Um, um, I- I don't know. I was sleeping." I lie. He knows better. I know he does.

"You tried to break out. Why would you do that, Louis?" He asks. He doesn't look hurt or upset by it, but almost amused.

"There's nothing to do in here. I'm so bored." I blurt. Again, a lie.

He stares at me for a moment.

"Strip." He demands.

"What!?" I exclaim.

He presses his lips together and sighs.

"I said, strip." He repeats.

"No." I reply.

He sighs in disapproval.

Rape scene- triggering

He pushes me down onto the bed and pulls my clothes off. Then he removes his own.

"Stop, Oliver." I say. He chuckles and shakes his head.

He hovers over me and pushes my legs apart.

"Come on, lovely. You'll enjoy it." He purrs in my ear. Ew.

"Get off of me." I say. "Please, Oliver."

It feels like forever passes before he finishes. When he does, though, he lays next to me, panting.

"You felt great, lovely. We should do it again sometime." He chuckles after he calms down. I don't answer. I can't answer.

End of triggering scene

When he leaves, I look around the room. He kissed me twice before he left, and I can't get the gross feeling of his lips off of my own mouth. I hate him.

I can't even make myself get out of bed. I'm numb, but I can't stop crying. I lay the huge comforter over myself and cry until I fall asleep.

"Louis?" Harry asks my name softly.

"Harry!" I call.

"Louis! Baby, I'm here!" He exclaims.

I run. I'm trying to find him. I'm following the sound of his voice, but these hallways are a maze. I can't find anything.

"Harry, where are you?" I ask.

"I'm here, love! I can hear you. You aren't far!" He responds. I run down the seemingly endless hallway. I will not give up. One way or another, I'm going to find Harry. I don't know how I made it out of the room, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that Harry is here and we can go home.

"Louis!" That was Oliver. Fuck. He's much closer to me than Harry is. I worry, and begin running faster. Faster, faster, faster. I'm tripping over myself, but I refuse to stop or even slow down. How could I?

My lungs are starting to burn and I'm panting. My legs hurt, and I'll be sweating soon. I don't care. At this point, I'll die before I'll give up. I need to find Harry.

"Harry!" I scream. I need to know how far I am. But he doesn't answer.

"Harry, answer me!" I yell. No reply.

I eventually find somewhere to turn, and take a quick left. Oliver is close, I can feel it. But so is Harry.

Suddenly, there's a yell. And there's no mistaking it. Harry's crying out in pain.

"Louis! Go! Get out!" He screams.

I won't do it. I need to help him.

I take twists and turns, following his screams of agony.

"Louis, get out of here! Go home!" He shouts.


He's trying to stay quieter, but I'm still following the sounds he's making to find him. I won't stop until he is safe, and we can both walk out of this damn house. He should know that. We've been together for three and a half years almost.

Eventually, I find him.

"Harry!" I screech. Oliver grins at me as Harry groans in pain. He's been stabbed and beaten, and god knows what else. "Harry!"

"Louis, run. Get out of here." He says. I shake my head frantically.

"You're too late, Louis. He's gone. And you're next." Oliver laughs.

I decide to hit him. But when I run up, I hit a wall instead. Glass, I'm assuming.

"Harry." I whimper.

I hit the wall, and kick it, and slam my body into it. Nothing works.

"Harry! Stay with me!" I scream out. But Oliver is right. It's too late.

I watch as he slowly bleeds to death.

That's when I wake up. How I even fell asleep is beyond me.

It's still pretty dark outside, so I turn on the light and drag myself to the bathroom. There, I take a lukewarm shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I dress in black boxers, some plaid pajama pants, and a black Nirvana shirt.

Then I pick up the bag that Oliver threw to me when he first got home. Before things got... out of hand.

It's got markers, colored pencils, crayons, pencils, pens, a couple puzzles, and some coloring books.

At least now I have something to distract my mind with while I go crazy.

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