The Logandra Reunion

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Alex wanted him, she realised. She had thought that her sadness was due to the fact that Logan had kissed some other woman but she now realised that wasn't the case. They both kissed and went plenty further with other people as part of their jobs and always resolved their jealousy issues with a laugh over candlelit dinner followed by makeup sex. Sometimes they skipped dinner. So Alex knew what broke them up had to have been her uncontrolled temper at the time of reveal (what she refered to as the time she found the photo of her boyfriend and another woman kissing on NYE). It could only have been the harsh words she had yelled into the phone when she called him for an explaination and his hungover reply of

"It was a mistake."

Now that she thought about it, she regretted not returning his calls or texts after that point. She let the tears fall because she knew it was her own fault that she would never truly be happy again. But too much time had passed to call him and make it better. She was, however, convinced that it still wasn't too late, he had convinced her of that with the heartfelt voicemails he had left.

Alex recognised the only reason Logan wasn't here right now, pleading his case, was because Lisa, his mum, insisted she pick him up from the airport. This meant that no matter what Logan wanted to do when he got off of the plane, he would have to have dinner with his mum. For once, Alex appreciated this, it meant she knew where she could find him and it meant he didn't turn up outside their house and she yelled at him because she hadn't had any time to mull it over. She whiped her tears with her cardigan sleeve and grabbed her keys.

As she walked towards the front door, Alex seriously considered turning around. 'What if he hates you for what you said?' One part of her asked. 'Seriously Al,' said the other side, sounding out exactly what Logan would say to her, 'I love you no matter what, remember? Besides, this is not your fault.'

Alex rang the doorbell and made one last desperate attempt to wipe her tears from her puffy eyes. The door opened and there he was. Eyes red and swollen, nose running slightly but somehow still the most goddamn sexy thing she had ever seen and she involuntarily jumped into his arms.

"Logan, I'm so sorry I said the things I did to you, I..." she spoke into his hair as he spun her around in circles laughing like a maniac. He put her down, her arms still wrapped around his head/neck and his tight around her waist, pressing her to him like he needed the comfort.

"For God's sake Al, I'm the one that needs to apologise to you. I've done the wrong thing by us and-" she cut him off with a kiss. A welcome home kiss. A kiss that she hoped portrayed all her feelings for him, she had a lot of feelings for him so it lasted quite a while. During which Logan pushed Alex against the door to shut it whispering his "I love you's" and grazed a knee between her thighs making her core thrust somehow closer to his.

As Logan began to move his mouth from hers, not to move from her lips, although he wanted to, but to gain oxygen, Alex moaned "prove it" down his jawline sending a wave of shivers down his spine and causing a sudden throbbing in his tightening pants.

The effect was for Logan to discontinue communication with his brain and he pushed himself into Alex again. Trapping her between him and the door without an inch of wiggle room. Not that she minded. And he kissed her violently. Lips, tongue and hands everywhere.

"Um, Logan, you're in your parents house." Came the voice of his mother. Logan removed pressure from Alex but he didn't move from where he was. "And you should know that the aforementioned owner of the house is currently IN the house." Lisa added, to emphasise the severity of what they were doing.

"Sorry Lisa," Alex, as always, picked up what he wanted to say, "But we weren't really doing anything...yet." she mumbled that last part loud enough to tease him.

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