part 2

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Soft enough to make him question his hearing and do a doubletake. When he caught her eyes, they sparkled with a glint that confirmed his suspitions.

Lisa stood watching them all through the silent exchange and decided for them, "Well, dinner is over safe." She left the hallway shaking her head, remembering when she was their age. Logan looked at the woman in his arms, actually looked at her, and noticed her red eyes and nose and realised he was looking into the eyes of someone broken. A person HE broke. But at the same time, he could see her put back together the peices, and as a smile crept onto her face as she noticed his staring, he recognised the love they shared shown clearly in the way her lips curled up at him,  telling him it would all be okay now that they were together.

"Come on babe." Alex coaxed him to follow, he would have followed anyway but her breathy voice snapped something in his brain and he needed her. They rushed into her car, the drive would be forty or so minutes to get to their house and it was a crime to waste such a length of time. So Logan turned in his seat to awkwardly face the beautiful woman concerntrating on the road infront of her and explained how drunk he had been the other night, the night they had fallen apart. Not once did Alex look at him for longer than a second and for some reason that really hurt him. Alex parked the car and looked at him for a minute as if she was trying to suss him out. Whilst he made awkward eyecontact and dodged her longer staring moments he noticed that they were not infact home but in a side alley filled with trees and bushes.  There were no sidewalks or residences. Realising why they were here Logan looked over at her, the smile impossible to wipe off of his face. He figured he'd take it slow, like it was their first time, and he leaned to kiss her.

Alex placed a hand in his chest to stop him,  confusing him. "Logan," she looked directly at him, "I love you.  I never meant the things I said to you and I-" Logan knew what she was going to say, the way she looked at him have it away. So as soon as she began to apologise he removed her hand, entwining their fingers and lifting them to his lips where he kissed each of her fingers, watching her and her reaction as he did so and occaisionally flicking his eyes to watch what he was doing. He noticed how her breathing had changed in the instant he kissed her hand. 

Alex rolled down the windows a little and turned the car off before taking her hand away from Logan who looked slightly offended at her movement. "God I've missed you." He noted as he looked at her. She crushed her lips against his as a way of saying "ditto." He reacted appropriately and immediately, moaning into her mouth as a way of begging her to open her mouth for him. She took the hint but didn't allow him access, her own tongue was quickly thrust into his mouth and he barely had time to fight for his sanity as she kissed the crap out of him.  Not that he minded.

As her tongue explored his mouth, his hand formed a fist in her hair and tugged slightly in all the places that caused her to moan. Her coconut shampoo filled his nostrils and he could taste the faint strawberry on her lips. Alex climbed over him as the kiss grew more heated. Once she was fully in his lap she dug her hips into his in such a way that made him wish he was naked. Who was he kidding?  Around her he always hated the thought of clothes and covering up. Soon after her change of seating position his shirt was off. Where it was? Neither of them cared. As Alex's fingers traced his abs, biceps and pectorial region, Logan's found their way beneath her cardigan and slowly pulling down the spaghetti straps of her dress.  She stopped him. He was confused at first but heard the loud, drunken chatter of an oncoming group of people. Quickly thinking, Logan captured her lips once again and put the seat in recline, leaning back to push it down.

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