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"Did Theo call you?" I cut my mother off. "He probably already told you about what happened right?" I asked, feeling irritated by the turn of events. If what Christian said was true, then I was kept in the dark for a very long time.

I hated being kept in the dark.

My mom heaved a big sigh on the other end of the line and I could almost imagine her shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose. I bet she was feeling anxious as I was right now.

"Mom, tell me please, what is this all about? If what Theo's friend said was true then why-"

"Come to the house," She said in a tight voice. I bit my lip upon hearing the seriousness in her tone. "Right now, Primrose."

I thought about it for a couple of seconds. I was upset about what was happening, regardless if what Christian said was true or not. But what more can I do to know the truth than hearing my parents' side right?

"Okay," I finally said, ending the call afterwards and sprinting back to the street to hail a cab.

It has been awhile since I last came to my parents' house- the house where I grew up- and it felt foreign to me now that I found out that some part of my life here is now forgotten. It felt massive. Towering over my form and my now jumbled thoughts.

I grew up in a rich family. Not as much as Theo's but almost. By the time I graduated college, I decided to work as a normal employee and in another company instead of taking over ours, much to my family's disappointment. But we all moved on. I just didn't feel like being the rich girl in those Forbes magazines. And my parents didn't force me either.

And when I come to think about it now, my days between my senior year 'til my early years of college were actually a blur. Almost as if nothing happened in between that timeline. And I feel as if there are a lot of things that I was still missing on even as I continued to live my life. I just didn't think that it was a big deal because all I know is that I fell ill one day and woke up in a hospital bed with a bandage around my head.

That was what they said to me.

That I just had a bad case of flu and had to be confined in the hospital for about two weeks.

I looked up from where I was seated in one of the couches in our huge living room just to see my mom and dad hovering over me, serious faces with smiles that passed as forced on. I didn't notice that I was wringing both my hands all this time and I had to force myself to stand and greet them with weak hugs. They hugged me back, but almost immediately told me to sit down again as they took their places on the seats on either side of me.

A few moments passed without any of us talking until my father decided to break the silence, clearing his throat after a not-so-subtle silent argument with my mom.

"So... uhhh... princess," He took a deep breath and I looked at him expectantly. He turned to his wife and shook his head. "Clare, do this with me will you? You're always the dominant one over here so I can't see why you're being this silent right now."

I turned to mom, only to see her send a deathly glare to her other half, taking in a deep breath after. She turned to me and held my gaze. "Shall we take it from the top then? Your idiot father won't cooperate I see."

Dad grunted from my left side. "But you love me anyways," He said, earning a slap on the arm from my mom. I rolled my eyes at them.

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