Chapter 2 - Turning Point

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2 months ago
Nina's POV

"Ugh this is so perfect, I wish we got more breaks from filming. I mean don't get me wrong I love working with you guys but..." Candice's voice rambled on. I let out a laugh before I cut her off, which, trust me was doing us both a favor.

"I know what you mean Cand. I love it here as much as I love work too. This place is perfect." I said while I looked around, taking in the natural beauty of our surroundings. There were carpets of green that seemed to extend miles out onto a hill and the water in the pool seemed bluer than any other pool I've ever been to. I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh, cool air as it hit my face. It was peaceful and silent, except for the constant gushing sound of water that fell from the beautiful fountain by the wishing well. If this isn't paradise I don't know what is, I thought to myself.

"Well Nina, I think you like work a lot more than you like here. For starters the view is definitely better," I heard Candice say in a joking tone as she interrupted my thoughts. I opened my eyes and shot a glance her way only to find a smug smile plastered on her face as she winked at me. I rolled my eyes as I instantly knew she was referring to Ian.

"I told you Candice. I've moved on. I'm with Derek now and I'm a very happy, lucky girl. He brings me flowers and he calls me everyday. He's the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for." I said to her, not breaking eye contact for a second, making sure she believed what I so desperately tried to convince her as well as myself.

"Yet you're not happy." She said, her voice laced with disappointment and concern.

"Cand, I am happy. How many times do I need to tell you that? Can we just drop this please..I'm tired of having the same conversation over and over." I said, annoyance clear in my voice. I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding and glanced over at her. Her smile had disappeared and the atmosphere was heavy and awkward. "I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to snap at you like that" I said to her, feeling a pang of guilt consume me as I realized I was ruining a great evening.

"Whatever you say Nina" she said, her voice calm and lacking emotion.

"I'll prove it to you" I replied, trying my best to plaster the most believable smile I could.

She simply nodded and shot me a small smile. I took a deep breath and laid back into my pool chair, trying to relax and forget Candice's previous comments about Ian. I did not need this right now. I knew how lucky I was to be Derek's girlfriend and I wasn't going to mess it up. Plus I hadn't even seen or spoken to Ian in 3 weeks...not that I was counting or anything. I'm pretty sure he hated me anyway. Whenever we ran into each other, he simply waved, smiled and got on with whatever he was doing. I wanted to talk to him but every time I tried, words always seemed to fail me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sharp, annoying ring of my cellphone. Ugh, I really need to change this stupid ringtone, I thought to myself. Glancing quickly at the screen I saw it was Julianna.

"Hey Jules what's up?" I said, trying to sound as lively as possible.

"Hey Nina, I'm really bored right now and since you don't have to work, what do you think about hitting up the club tonight?"

I knew without a doubt that I was not in the mood for partying. I was in one of those moods where I just wanted to huddle up under a blanket with a bowl of Rocky Road Ice-cream and watch The Notebook...again. "Ummm, I'm not really in the mood to go out tonight Jules, I'm sorry" I said into my phone.

"Come on Nina please. I could really use a night out, plus I haven't seen you in a while", she replied in a really whiny voice as she dragged out all the words.

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