Author's Note

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Hey guys, I know it has been a very long wait, but I've been really busy lately with school and personal family issues. Part of the first chapter is made I just need to finish writing the other half and type it up. I may also update the cast and put more, maybe feature Sourwolf throughout the whole series to be a guide for the girls, who knows. But the first chapter should be up soon depending on if I can do a lot of writing today. I am super sorry for those of you who really want to read this book. 

Also, I'm wanting to do a trailer and aesthetics for  the girls(Lydia, Hope, Allison, and Malia when she comes into the series if I can get that far) but I don't really know how to make them, so I'm leaving it up to you as the readers to be involved in the making of this book, I know it's not a very cool thing but. I'm really trying to do the author thing. 

Hey so, about getting the chapter up, I lost the journal that had absolutely everything in it dealing with this book, so I had to start over. I'm so sorry. I knew some of you guys actually wanted the first chapter, but since I'm on Thanksgiving break I should be able to get most of my writing done. Hopefully, the first chapter should be up sometime next week. 

Later fellow Mermaids/Mermen and wolfs. 

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