Really Deep Author's Note

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry I haven't actually updated this story in a couple of months. A lot has been going on.
At the beiginning of this year my grandmother was diagnosed with stage four adenocarcinoma lung cancer, and was even worse of then any of us could imagine. For the last couple of months she had gone down hill super fast and we knew it was time for her to go.
Just last month on July 24 she passed away and her dying wish was for me to always write my stories, so as a last tribute to my grandmother I will restart this book and hopefully get the first episode done and put of the way.

I have been working on the rest of the chapter for about 3 days and I have like five pages front and back and they haven't even made it to the moon pool yet.

I know you guys don't like to head about the authors problems but I just thought I had to explain why I wasn't updating like I should.

I would also like to ask that my readers contribute to the story. Please don't be silent. If you see a part that needs to be fixed or you would like it written more in depth then I have written it so far please comment or something. Us writers on here really cannot get better unless we hear from you readers.

Also depending on if I can get the rest of the first episode written up and done. The new chapter should be up and ready soon.
School just started for me and I'm getting back into the swing of things. So I'm sorry if I don't stick to the whole updating quick thing.

For now I will just say that I will TRY and update when I can

H2o🐺 S. Stilinski (Very Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now