Friday, May 9th

7 1 0

I had a better day today.

It wasn't good but it was better.

But in the cafeteria today I looked at somebody for like half a second and she said:

"Quit fucken staring at me."

It took me all of my willpower not to punch her in the face.

I probably would have but there were way too many witnesses.

Just to let you know I don't take shit from people.

Also today my mom left to go to our family cabin. She said its a girls weekend and it's for when your over 21. I guess there will be drinking.

You really don't know much about me so I'm just going to say I'm a teenage girl. The rest you will figure out later.

I hated gym class as usual.

I surprisingly don't have any homework because I got it done in class, or I had a test.

School was pretty uneventful besides lunch.

You should expect a new entry soon.








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