Trial and Sentence

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Sometimes people get judged before even knowing the whole story. They try to become a judge, a lawyer and the jury all in one but don't know how much responsibility come with it. They assume it will be easy and yes it is very easy to just judge a book by its cover but sometimes the most elaborate bookcover don't hold a hint of wisdom or truth in their words. Whereas a simple, plain book might not look the greatest but when you read it, you will wish you had never called it ugly or stupid in the first place.

Sentencing someone without proof is so very tempting as it doesn't take a lot of time to do just that but don't give into temptation.

"One must never think they know someone after little to no time with them" ~ Heine Wittgenstein


Viktor wasn't sure how long he had been sitting on the bed. Time just didn't seem to matter anymore. His heart was broken, as was his soul. There was little to no point into doing anything right now. His mind right now was only with Heine and how far away from there he probably was by now. Chances were he was halfway to the church he had been tutoring at before coming to the palace. Before Viktor had offered him to come to the palace. It hadn't been just so Heine could Tutor the 4 youngest Princes as he was the best Tutor in the country, Viktor wanted him close to him as he hadn't been able to think about anyone else except for the short Tutor. His height was so cute and it was so amusing to tease him about it and watch him puff up his cheeks as he was annoyed with him. Still, afterwards, they would make amends, holding each other, kissing, loving each other's presence.

He laid back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, his usual clear blue eyes were empty and blank. How was he supposed to simply accept this? How was he going to explain this to the Princes? Even the 'Warrior King' could loose the will to fight. Despite his usual clear-headed view on things, he was now filled with desperation, unable to even come up with a simple reply to the question whether or not he should get out of bed. What did it matter? Everyone already knew about him being in love with someone who wasn't royalty. They could find him here and it wouldn't matter to him at all... No... What would Heine say about this? He would disapprove of this most definitely and tell him to be a worthy King. One he has been ever since he ascended the throne at the age of 18. Heine left with a mission of his own and till that had been completed, Viktor should be productive as well, prove to his people that he was still capable of ruling this country.

Hearing some commotion going on in the hallway, he looked up and sighed. Everyone probably thought the King had disappeared or worse, thought that he was sleeping with his 'servant lover'... well... worse? If that were the case, he wouldn't be feeling this way.

The voices came closer and closer and stopped right in front of the door. At least he was wearing his pants and shirt... What was wrong with him? He should just get the door already. By the time he was standing up, the 4 Princes came barging in with Leonhard up front.



Bruno followed shortly after only to have their father stare at them with sad eyes before looking away.

All 4 of them had no idea how to react at this but then Licht took a step forward, wanting to reach out for his father before having second thoughts.

"F... Father... where is Heine-Sensei?"

Leonhard asked, almost afraid to ask, his lower lip trembling as he tried not to burst into tears.

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