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The defenicion of bullying is the abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful. That's the defenicion in the Internet, but not all people see it that way, we see it different, we see it as the reason that cause millions of people to suicide, leaving their family and friends.

People think it is funny, but they don't take the time to get to know them, to know what makes them different from them, they don't know if they have problems at home, or if they even have one, they just judged them from their look.

When you're bullying someone or making fun of them, make sure you know them, because if they have a past you would feel different about them, or maybe sorry, but don't be, because you would see them crying over the past, you would see them crying over the present you're making for them, you're deciding if they ever trust anyone, or if they would have friends, or if they want to keep going with their life, because words matters, they have a strong power.

When the person you're  bullying take his or her own life, you and all people should feel responsible for it because you were the reason they decided that and them because they didn't stand up for them.

We should star to stand up for people and oneself, how is it that in school people get throw in the trash can, not their stuff, but themselves, in the hallways teachers see kids throwing another kid in the looker and think that he deserves it, that he did something that got him there, but they didn't do anything to stop it.

Not only the person you're bullying suffers, but they family too, it is like cancer they all suffer for the person with it.

We need to stop it, people need to hold on to something and stand up for themselves, hold on that you're different from them and that you would have a great life, because if you're a girl, you're only on the part where the evil stepmother make you hide on the attic, but remember that the prince comes back for the princess.


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