1- You have one year to live

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I close the hospital door behind me. I walk across the corridoor and sink to the floor facing the door.

I don't want chemo. If it's my time it's my time. I've decided, I refuse to let my family go into debt for medicine that might not work.

I Skylar Refuse it.

The door opens and there stands my parents looking at me with tears pouring silently. I hold my hands up. My father helps me up and we walk to my room.

The room for the rest of my days. They tried to argue but I made up my mind. And no one could change my mind once it's decided. I walk in, it was surprisingly bright. A chair with a blue blanket draped over it sat by the window.

The bathroom to the left, soon I will be needing help in there. "We are having students come tomorrow, they will be partnered with a patient. And no, this cannot be changed for you." Doc said firmly. I nod.

As I stand I start getting dizzy. Doc holds out his arm and I grip his arm as we make our way to my bed. They leave. I was soon in hospital clothes and under the blankets. I sigh. Home sweet home. I fall asleep.

I wake up finding a nurse checking my window. I cough up blood. She looks at me and smiles a sad smile. Sad. No pity, she therefore knew my decision.

She comes and holds a tissue to my mouth and I cough into it. I pull back and she puts it in the chemical bin. The one where they destroy what's inside so nothing bad happens. She helps me up and bathes me. We come out and she puts me in a wheelchair.

"Must I push or do you?" I smiled. "Do you mind if you can. I'm not feeling good." I sigh. She pushes me. We head to the hall room. I see I am the first patient here. But all the students were.

They all go silent. I sigh. I spot a vending machine and go to it. I pull out money and get four bottles of water. I put them in the side pouches and go back to where I was before. I stand slightly, the room gasps.

They saw my legs. Which were covered in bruises and were stick thin. I hold my hand in front of me for the nurse to hold. I sit down again but with my legs folded beneath me.

Soon the other patients come and we begin. . .

My Last Year Alive Where stories live. Discover now