It's Him Again, Mr. Mysterious

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> Wow. So do you like him?<

"How...? Whaaa... Who are you talking about?"

> The one who called you beautiful tonight.<

"Oh. Nopeeee. Nah. Not going to answer you."

> You know I am you right? We both know the answer- You're too scared to say it.<

"I'm not scared. I just don't want to answer you, duh." 


"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

>  You like Mr. Mysterious. Its obvious.<

"No. He likes me actually."

> Yeah. I know. It's okay to like him back.<

"Easy for you to say."

> Im still you.<

> Mom knows it. I know it. He probably knows it. What's the big deal?<

"Either he is too scared to ask me out or he just wants me to play games."

> No, that's not the case, hun. He probably likes to like you without labels, attachments, and lockdowns. Or he can't have a girlfriend- his parents? Yikes!<

"Eh. Sure."

> Talk to me, hun. How does he make you feel?<

"Happy. Warm, warm happiness. I can be comfortable around him, and not be judged by my craziness. To kiss and hug him. Squeeze him with (almost) all my might. Bubbly laughter.

~Nov. 3,17

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