Gearing up

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George's POV

I woke up early in the morning. As my eyes become adjusted to the light from the sun, with was still distant and hidden past the horizon, i looked about and saw Ruby And Blake on my left.  Ruby looking as cute as ever with messy hair, while as Blake was sprawled out.

To my right. I saw Yang had taken most of the cover, yet had her hand over the top and rested a few inches from mine, Weiss on the other hand, was currently in Atlas, visiting Winter and her father.

My sons, Richard, Walter, Ben and Yuri were currently at their Dorm in Beacon, they were mostly like their mothers, but could summon their own unique battle armour and weapons. But they had their mothers skilled with their weapons.

I smiled as I tried to get off the Double King size bed, but as i just got off the bed, yang's hand clamped on my foot. And she turned around, which literary threw me out of the room, and down the stairs.

This didn't wake them up... but by Oum, it nearly broke my face on the floor, "she is seriously strong... and that's gonna be the death of me...or at least another one of them.


After a nice cup of coffee. I used my semblance for a biker suit, since i have done a lot of practice,i can use my semblance a more often and make weapons and armour, which can now stay in the world after I create it.

I left a note on the side and leave the house, it was a fine morning, a small mist laid over the grass, leaving a frosty trail behind it.

The November months were calmer, some birds still tweet as they fly overhead, the crisp, cool air filled my lungs as i walked to the drive way.

I got on my black sport bike, i rev it up, and drive off. Just as I drive towards Beacon, I passed Kyle's house, he opened his door and stepped out, after Cinder kisses him.
Smiling, he moved to his car. Then calmly came off his drive way in his Ferrari, I nod to him as I speed off, through traffic.


I was in the teachers lounge, drinking Coffee, and enjoying a calm afternoon since Ruby, Blake and Yang stayed home today, until Kyle sat next to me.

"How are you, mate ?" He said, "I'm good mate, how about you ?, I heard you and your wives last night" I said, smiling slightly as I saw Kyle blush a slight tint of red.

"I don't have a clue what you are on about, I was asleep with my three fine wives, Raven will be back soon from visiting her brother, Qrow" he said.

"I still cant believe that Qrow married Winter, and that he now lives in Atlas, I'd thought it was the place he hates the most" I said, "true, but love can change your life, you'd do anything for them, wouldn't you ?" Kyle replied.

I agreed with him, "Have you heard from Pyrrha and Jaune ?, they are having a good honeymoon travelling Atlas" I said.
"No, but do you remember our honeymoon ?" Kyle asked, i smirked "I don't remember marrying you"  i joked, with the reply of a face palm from Kyle, "you got to stop being near Yang for awhile, your puns are as bad as ever".

"I remember the ones you said to cinder, as well as the ones she told me about" kyle says, "you were laughing on the inside, hell, I bet you laughed at the ones she told you" I reply, "i know and i hate myself".

"I haven't seen Saiya or Nu in awhile, how are they ?" I asked, "Nu is currently on her way to menagerie with Coco, Velvet and Mercury, to see Velvets family, as for Saiya, she is with my old team near Minstrel, finding a small group of bandits that have been harassing local villages in the area"

"What could he want today ?" I asked, "don't know, what did you do this time, Give Nora a whole packet of  extra strong Caffeine tablets again ?" Kyle said.

We both shuddered, "we agreed to never talk of that again, nor talk of that tragic day, I still preferred getting gut-shot by Roman's Cain, it still hurt less then that" I say.

"That was two months ago, I cant believe she rammed her whole hammer up Cardin's ass... I hated that bastard, and still think he got off lightly, but even though he only called Nora...*looks behind to make sure Nora wasn't behind him* ... Fat, I have never heard a man scream like that before"

I nodded and got up, "I'll see you later, and you better run..." i said as a small sweat appeared on my head, "why ?" Kyle replied as he turned around and looked behind the sofa...

... To see a Hammer wielding Nora, standing there with a giant psycho smile on her face, the same she wore when she fucked Cardin up, she hummed a quick and joyous tune, and even though she didn't have the caffeine rush look in her eyes, i could see that Kyle wasn't going to last long.

To say Kyle was scared is an understatement. She looked at me too, "Your lucky Ozpin needs you... as for you..*points to Kyle* I'll give you 3 seconds to run, if I catch you, you'll wish you were Cardin that day after I'm done with you" she said rather cheerfully.

"LATER KYLE" I shouted and ran through the door, after a couple of seconds of slamming the door, Kyle ran through the wall, literally a brick and white wash wall, at speeds that even Ruby couldn't do, with Nora seconds behind him.

I headed to the elevator, and heard lots of crashing and screaming, as well as looking through Windows and seeing walls being blown into the courtyard from the main building... May Monty help him, because I can't.. I won't either, I may have managed away to survive from near death blows.. I'm not going to last one hit from Nora.

I got into the elevator, pressed the button and geared up into my combat gear, normally this would be a mission, I and think this will be a big one indeed....


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